TS Users Data Source

TS Users contains data about your users, such as remaining licenses, site roles, and workbooks owned by a user. Starting May 2023, TS Users includes product activation and usage data for Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, web authoring, and site role-specific capabilities.

Create custom views

If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Example: How many licenses are being used?

Use the following steps to create a view that displays the number of licenses used.

  1. Connect to the TS Users data source.

  2. From the Data pane, drag Measure Names to the Rows shelf and Measure Values to the Columns shelf.

  3. Right-click the Measure Names field in the Rows shelf and select Show Filter.

  4. Click the Measure Names filter dropdown menu, and select Customize > Show Apply Button.

  5. In the filter, select the Total Allowed Licenses and Total Occupied Licenses checkboxes, and then click Apply.

Do more with your data

Using Tableau Prep, you can join TS Users with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".

  • Join TS Users to Groups on “User LUID = User LUID”

  • Join TS Users to TS Events on “User ID = Actor User Id”

  • Join TS Users to Site Content on “User Email = Owner Email” or “User Email = Item Parent Project Owner Email”

For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.

Data schema

The following table lists the fields included in the TS Users data source. Each row of data corresponds to a unique user on the Tableau Cloud site.

Folder Field Name Type Description
License Utilization Allowed Creators Number Total number of allowed Creator licenses
Allowed Explorers Number Total number of purchased Explorer licenses
Allowed Viewers Number Total number of purchased Viewer licenses
Occupied Creator Licenses Calculated field Number of occupied Creator licenses
Occupied Explorer Licenses Calculated field Number of occupied Explorer licenses
Occupied Viewer Licenses Calculated field Number of occupied Viewer licenses
Total Allowed Licenses Number

Total number of allowed licenses

Total Occupied Licenses Calculated field Total number of occupied licenses
Total Remaining Licenses Calculated field Total number of remaining licenses
Site Site Luid String LUID of the site associated with the user. Primarily useful for referencing sites in the Tableau Server API.
Site Name String Name of the Tableau Cloud site
Site Version String The version of Tableau Server running on the Tableau Cloud pod that hosts your site
Traffic to Content - Historical Total Traffic - Data Sources Number

Total number of times the user's data sources were accessed

Total Traffic - Views Number Total number of times the user's views were accessed
Unique Visitors - Data Sources Number

Number of unique users who accessed the user's data sources

Unique Visitors - Views Number Number of unique users who accessed the user's views
User User Creation Date Date-time Date and time the user's account was created in UTC
User Email String Email address associated with the user's account
User Friendly Name String User friendly name associated with the user's account
User ID Number Internal ID of the user
User License Type String

User-based license associated with the user: Viewer, Explorer, or Creator.

User LUID String LUID of the user. Primarily useful for referencing users in the Tableau Server API
User Name String User name associated with the user's account.
User Site Role String Site role of the user. Determines the maximum level of access a user can have on the site.
User Activity - Historical Access Events - Data Sources Number Number of times the user accessed a published data source.
Access Events - Views Number Number of times the user accessed a view.
Publish Events - Data Sources Number Number of times the user published a data source.
Publish Events - Workbooks Number Number of times the user published a workbook.
User Activity - Most Recent Event Data Source - Last Access Date Date-time Date and time the user last accessed a published data source in UTC
Data Source - Last Publish Date Date-time Date and time the user last published a published data source in UTC
Last Login Date Date-time Date and time the user last logged in, in UTC.
Tableau Desktop - Last Access Date Date-time Date and time the user last connected to Tableau Cloud from Tableau Desktop in UTC.
Tableau Desktop - Last Access Date (Local) Date-time Date and time the user last connected to Tableau Cloud from Tableau Desktop, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Tableau Desktop - Last Product Version String The version of Tableau Desktop that was last used to connect.
Tableau Prep - Last Access Date Date-time Date and time the user last connected to Tableau Cloud from Tableau Prep in UTC.
Tableau Prep - Last Access Date (Local) Date-time Date and time the user last connected to Tableau Cloud from Tableau Prep, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Tableau Prep - Last Product Version String The version of Tableau Prep that was last used to connect
View - Last Access Date Date-time Date and time the user last accessed a view, in UTC.
Web Authoring - Last Access Date Date-time Date and time the user last accessed the web authoring environment in UTC.
Web Authoring - Last Access Date (Local) Date-time Date and time the user last accessed the web authoring environment, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Web Authoring - Last Publish Date Date-time Date and time the user last published a workbook, in UTC
User Content Certified Data Sources Number Number of certified data sources the user owns.
Data Sources Number Number of published data sources the user owns
Projects Number Number of projects the user owns.
Size of Data Sources (MB) Number The combined size of all published data sources owned by the user, in megabytes.
Size of Workbooks (MB) Number Combined size of all workbooks owned by the user, in megabytes.
Views Number Number of views the user owns.
Workbooks Number Number of workbooks the user owns.
User Metrics Days Since Last Login Number Number of days since the user last logged in.
User Account Age Number Number of days since the user's account was created
- Admin Insights Published At Date-time Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC


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