Subscriptions Data Source

The Subscriptions data source provides details about subscriptions on the site, including the name of the creator and recipient, content item, job status, and schedules. Site administrators can use this data to improve the viewing experience for users who access content through subscriptions.

Starting in February 2024, the Subscriptions data source includes Tableau Pulse information for your site. The "Subscriber Group Name" and "Subscriber Group LUID" fields have been included in the User folder. These fields display the group name and LUID when a user is following a metric as part of a group.

Create custom views

If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Example: How often do users receive subscriptions?

Use the following steps to create a view that displays how often users receive subscriptions.

  1. Connect to the Subscriptions and TS Events data sources.

  2. Select Data > Edit Blend Relationships.

  3. In the Blend Relationships dialog, set the primary data source to Subscriptions, and select the Custom radio button.

  4. Click Add.

  5. In the Add/Edit Field Mapping dialog, map Subscriber Email to Actor User Name, and click OK.

  6. Click OK to exit the Blend Relationships dialog.

  7. From the Data pane, drag Subscriber Email, Subject, and Last Sent (local) to the Rows shelf.

  8. From the Data pane, drag Number of Events to the Columns shelf.

  9. Verify that Item LUID, Item Type, and Actor User Name are the linking fields in the Data pane. If there are broken links, click the icon next to the field name to link the two data sources.

  10. From the Data pane, drag Subscription Status to Color on the Marks card.

Use the following steps to create a view that displays the most popular Tableau Pulse metrics.

  1. Connect to the Subscriptions data source.

  2. From the Data pane, drag Item Type to the Filter shelf, and then select the Metric checkbox in the dialog.

  3. Drag Item LUID and Item Name to the Rows shelf.

  4. Drag CNT(Subscriber User LUID) to the Columns shelf.

  5. From the toolbar, select the Sort Descending button to sort the X axis.

    Note: The viz displays subscribed users individually. To view users subscribed by group, use the "Subscriber Group Name" and "Subscriber Group LUID" fields.

  6. From the menu, click Analysis > Create Calculated Field.

    1. Name:

      Is Group Follow
    2. Calculation:

      NOT ISNULL(Subscriber Group LUID)
  7. From the Data pane, drag Is Group Follow to Color on the Marks card.

  8. Drag Subscriber Group Name to Detail on the Marks card.

    Tip: Understanding which users chose to follow a metric themselves, rather than being added by others, can help identify which metrics are naturally popular.

  9. From the menu, click Analysis > Create Calculated Field.

    1. Name:

      User Self-Followed
    2. Calculation:

      NOT [Is Group Follow] AND [Created By User Email] <> [Subscriber Email]
  10. From the Data pane, drag User Self-Followed to Color on the Marks card.

Do more with your data

Using Tableau Prep, you can join Subscriptions with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".

  • Join Subscriptions to TS Events on "Subscriber Email = Actor User Name"

For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.

Data schema

The following table lists the fields included in the Subscriptions data source. Each row of data corresponds to a subscription and recipient combination.

Folder Field Name Type Description
Content Item LUID String The LUID of the item included in the subscription
Item Type String The type of item included in the subscription, either a workbook or view
Item Name String Display name of the item included in the subscription
Item Owner Email String Email address of the item owner
Item Hyperlink String Full URL of the item on the site
Dates Created At Date-time Date and time the subscription was created in UTC
Created At (Local) Date-time Date and time the subscription was created, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Last Sent Date-time Date and time the subscription was last sent in UTC
Last Sent (Local) Date-time Date and time the subscription was last sent, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Subscription Data Conditions String The condition for when subscriptions are sent, either Always or When data is available
Has Image Attached Boolean Indicates whether an image is attached to the subscription email
Has PDF Attached Boolean Indicates whether a PDF is attached to the subscription email
Is Extract Refresh Triggered Boolean Indicates whether the data extract associated with the subscription has been refreshed
Schedule LUID String The LUID of the schedule
Schedule Name String Name of the schedule
Subject String The subject of the subscription
Subscription LUID String The LUID of the subscription
Subscription Status String Status of the subscription, either Active or Suspended
User Created By User Email String Email address of the user that created the subscription
Created By User LUID String The LUID of the user that created the subscription
Subscriber Email String Email address of the user receiving the subscription
Subscriber User LUID String The LUID of the user receiving the subscription
Subscriber Group Name String If user is following a metric as part of a group, the name of the group.
Subscriber Group LUID String If user is following a metric as part of a group, the LUID of the group.
- Admin Insights Published At Date-time Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC
Number of Recipients Number Distinct count of recipients
Number of Subscriptions Number Distinct count of subscriptions
Timezone String Specifies the timezone for displaying dates. This field represents an integer value used to determine the number of hours to offset from UTC. It doesn't account for Daylight Saving Time adjustments.
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