Job Performance Data Source
Job Performance contains events and runtime information for background jobs on the site, such as extract refreshes and flow runs. Starting May 2023, Job Performance includes Tableau Bridge refresh data, including the Bridge client name, pooling data, and refresh started and completed times.
Create custom views
If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.
Example: How many extract refreshes and flow runs occur on the site?
Use the following steps to create a view that displays the total number of extract refreshes and flow runs that occur on the site.
Connect to the Job Performance data source.
From the Data pane, drag Item Name, Item Type, Owner Email, and Job Type to the Rows shelf.
In the Rows shelf, right-click Item Name and select Sort.
In the Sort dialog, select Sort By > Field and Field Name > Job ID. Close the dialog.
From the Data pane, drag Started At (local) to the Columns shelf.
In the Columns shelf, right-click Started At (local) and select Exact Date. This converts the dimension to a measure.
From the Data pane, drag Job Result to Color and Job Execution Duration (Days) to Size on the Marks card.
Example: What is the average job queued duration?
Use the following steps to create a view that displays the average job queued duration.
Connect to the Job Performance data source.
From the Data pane, drag Started At to the Columns shelf and Started At (local) to the Rows shelf.
In the Columns shelf, right-click the Started At field and select Day from the second set of values (i.e., May 11, 2022). This converts the field to a measure.
In the Rows shelf, right-click Started At (local) and select More > Hour from the first set of values (i.e., 9).
- On the Marks card, select Square from the Shape dropdown menu.
From the Data pane, drag Job Queued Duration to Color on the Marks card. Right-click the field and select Measure > Average.
From the Data pane, drag Job ID to Size on the Marks card. Right-click the field and select Measure > Count (Distinct).
Do more with your data
Using Tableau Prep, you can join Job Performance with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".
Join Job Performance to Site Content on "Item ID = Item ID"
For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.
Data schema
The following table lists the fields included in the Job Performance data source. Each row of data corresponds to a unique background job and the related content item, providing information about job status, duration, and error details.
Folder | Field Name | Type | Description |
Bridge | Agent is Pooled? | String | Indicates whether the Bridge client is part of a pool |
Agent Name | String | Name of the Bridge client that performed the refresh | |
Agent Timezone | String | The timezone of the Bridge client | |
Agent Version | String | The version of Bridge deployed on the machine | |
Bridge Error Message | String | The error message associated with the failed request | |
Bridge Error Type | String | The type of refresh error | |
Bridge Initiator User Name | String | The user who initiated the refresh request, either from a scheduled task or manual run | |
Bridge Job Result | String | The result of the Bridge refresh job. Either Succeeded or Failed. | |
Pool Name | String | Name of the pool associated with the Bridge client | |
Dates | Bridge Completed At | Date-time | Date and time the Bridge refresh was completed in UTC |
Bridge Completed At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the Bridge refresh was completed, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Bridge Started At | Date-time | Date and time the Bridge refresh was started in UTC | |
Bridge Started At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the Bridge refresh was started, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Completed At | Date-time | Date and time the job was completed in UTC | |
Completed At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the job was completed, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Created At | Date-time | Date and time the job was created in UTC | |
Created At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the job was created, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Overflow Queued At | Date-time | Date and time the job entered the overflow queue in UTC. Jobs enter the overflow queue when they exceed concurrent capacity for the site. Will be NULL for jobs that weren’t added to the overflow queue. | |
Overflow Queued At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the job entered the overflow queue, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Queued At | Date-time | Date and time the job was queued in UTC. For most jobs, this is the same as the Created At date. For jobs that exceed concurrent capacity on the site, this is when the job was eligible to run. | |
Queued At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the job was queued, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Started At | Date-time | Date and time the job was started in UTC | |
Started At (Local) | Date-time | Date and time the job was started, adjusted by the Timezone parameter. Does not account for daylight savings. | |
Hyperlinks | Item Hyperlink | String | Full URL of the item on the site |
Item | Item ID | String | The ID of the item related to the job. The ID is unique within each Item Type and Site. |
Item LUID | String | The LUID of the item. The LUID is unique within each item type and site. Primarily used to reference content via the REST API. | |
Item Name | String | For data sources, flows, and workbooks, the display name of the item that the job is related to. | |
Item Type | String | The type of item that the job is related to. Either a data source, flow, workbook, or view. | |
Owner Email | String | Email address of the item owner | |
Parent Project Name | String | The Item Name of this item’s Parent Project. | |
Parent Project Owner Email | String | The email address of the owner of the parent project (if any) that the item exists within. | |
Job | Error Message | String | Runtime details associated with the job, such as ID, status, and error messages |
Final Job Result | String | The final result of the background job, either Succeeded or Failed | |
Job ID | String | The ID of the job generated. The ID is unique per Job Type and Site. | |
Job LUID | String | The LUID of the job. The LUID is unique with each job type and site. Primarily used to reference content via the REST API. | |
Job Result | String | The result of the background job, either Succeeded or Failed. | |
Job Type | String | The type of job. Either an extract refresh, incremental refresh, flow run, subscription, data alert, or metric. | |
Subscriber Email | String | Email address of the individual receiving the subscription | |
Subscriber ID | String | User ID of the subscription creator | |
Subscription Subject | String | The email Subject entered by the user when they subscribed to the workbook or view. | |
Was Manual Run | Boolean | Whether or not the job was initiated manually by clicking the “Run Now” option on the site. | |
Was Overflow Queued | Boolean | Whether or not the job exceeded the concurrent capacity. | |
Schedule | Schedule LUID | String | The LUID of the schedule that the background task is associated with |
Schedule Name | String | Name of the schedule that the background task is associated with | |
- | Admin Insights Published At | Date-time | Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC |
Bridge Extract Upload Duration | Number | The amount of time it took for the extract to upload in seconds | |
Bridge Refresh Duration | Number | The amount of time elapsed since the refresh was started in seconds | |
Job Duration | Number | How long it took for the job to run, in seconds. Includes queue time and overflow queue time. | |
Job Execution Duration | Number | The amount of time running after the job was started, in seconds. | |
Job Overflow Queued Duration | Number | The amount of time waiting to enter the queue due to concurrent jobs capacity, in seconds. | |
Job Queued Duration | Number | The amount of time spent in the queue, in seconds. | |
Timezone | Number | Specifies the timezone for displaying dates. This field represents an integer value used to determine the number of hours to offset from UTC. It doesn't account for Daylight Saving Time adjustments. |