Groups Data Source

The Groups data source identifies group membership of users on the site. There’s one row of data for each unique combination of group and user pairing. Groups without members, and users not in a group, are included as a row of data with null values represented as "NULL".

Create custom views

If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Example: Which users are in a given group?

Use the following steps to create a view that displays the users in a group.

  1. Connect to the Groups data source.

  2. From the Data pane, drag Group Name to the Rows shelf.

  3. (Optional) In the view, select the groups you want to explore, and then select Keep Only.

  4. From the Data pane, drag User Email to the Rows shelf, placing it to the right of the Group Name field.

Do more with your data

Using Tableau Prep, you can join Groups with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".

  • Join Groups to TS Users on "User LUID = User LUID"

For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.

Data schema

The following table lists the fields included in the Groups data source. Each row of data corresponds to a unique combination of group and user pairing.

Folder Field Name Type Description
Group Group Is Licensed On Site Boolean Whether or not Grant License on Sign In is enabled
Group LUID String LUID of the group associated with the user. Primarily useful for referencing a group in the REST API.
Group Minimum Site Role String Minimum site role associated with the group. Will be null if Grant License on Sign In is not enabled.
Group Name String Name of the group
Site Site LUID String LUID of the site associated with the user. Primarily useful for referencing a site in the REST API.
Site Name String Name of the site associated with the user
User User Email String

Email address associated with the user’s account

User LUID String LUID of the user. Primarily useful for referencing users in the REST API
- Admin Insights Published At Date-time Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC
Count of Distinct Groups Number Distinct count of groups on the site
Count of Distinct Users Number Distinct count of users on the site