Ask Data Usage

Important changes for Ask Data and Metrics

Tableau's Ask Data and Metrics features were retired in Tableau Cloud in February 2024 and in Tableau Server version 2024.2. With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau AI and Tableau Pulse are reimagining the data experience.

The Ask Data Usage view is a pre-built dashboard that allows site or server admins to see and understand the usage patterns and value of Ask Data for a site. Admins can see the growth of engagement with Ask Data and monitor the results of internal training or roll-outs. The dashboard highlights the top Ask Data users, data sources, and data source owners, along with some headline value metrics.

A  dashboard illustrating Ask Data's usage and adoption, tracking the number of users, queries, and data sources over time.

To enable Ask Data, see Disable or Enable Ask Data for a Site.

Explore the dashboard

The Ask Data Usage view provides information about Ask Data across the entire site. You can use the following metrics to understand user engagement and help drive self-service analytics adoption in your organization.

Ask Data usage is evidenced by 22 users, 177 queries, and 930 data sources.

At the top of the dashboard, three headline metrics provide an overview of Ask Data usage on the site.

  • Number of Users on Ask Data - This shows the total number of Ask Data users on the site.

  • Number of Queries on Ask Data - This shows the total number of Ask Data queries issued on the site.

  • Number of Data Sources Used with Ask Data - This shows the total number of data sources used with Ask Data.

Two line graphs display the growth of distinct users and distinct data source owners over time.

In the middle of the dashboard, two line charts show you how Ask Data is used over time.

  • Distinct Users Over Time - This shows the distinct number of Ask Data users over time.

  • Distinct Data Source Owners Over Time - This shows the distinct number of data source owners over time.

Three bar charts display the top data users, data sources, and data source owners.

At the bottom of the dashboard, three bar charts list the top Ask Data users, data sources, and data source owners.

  • Top Ask Data Users - This lists the top Ask Data users and the total number of queries issued by each user.

  • Top Ask Data Data Sources - This lists the top Ask Data data sources and the total number of queries issued for each data source.

  • Top Ask Data Data Source Owners - This lists the top Ask Data data source owners and the total number of data sources owned by each user.

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