Activity Log Event Type Reference

The following tables describe the Activity Log event types and attributes.

Event type details

The following content describes each event type in Activity Log. Use the alphabetically sorted list of event types on the right, or ctrl/cmd-f to go directly to keywords you have in mind.

Note: Timestamps for events are recorded in ISO 8601 UTC.

Common attributes

The following table contains common attributes for all Activity Log events. For event-specific attributes, review the individual event tables.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
actorUserIdintegerID of the user who performed the action that initiated the event
actorUserLuidstringLUID of the user who performed the action that initiated the event
eventTimestringTimestamp when the event occurred
initiatingUserIdintegerID of the initiating user. For impersonation, it's the ID of the administrative user who initiated impersonation. For standard login, the value is the same as userId.
initiatingUserLuidstringLUID of the initiating user. For impersonation, it's the LUID of the administrative user who initiated impersonation. For standard login, the value is the same as userLuid.
licensingRoleNamestringName of the user's licensing role when the event occurred
siteLuidstringLUID of the Tableau site where the event occurred
siteRoleIdintegerThe user's site role ID. The value 0 = SiteAdministratorExplorer, 1 = SupportUser, 2 = ExplorerCanPublish, 3 = Explorer, 7 = Guest, 8 = Unlicensed, 9 = Viewer, 10 = Creator, and 11 = SiteAdministratorCreator.
systemAdminLevelintegerIndicates if the user is a system administrator. The value 10 = System Admin and 0 = Not a system admin.


The add_delete_user_to_group event is logged when a user is added or removed from a group.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupIDintegerThe ID of the group
groupLuidstringThe LUID of the group
groupOperationstringGroup operation, either add or delete user to a group
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
userIdintegerThe ID of the user
userLuidstringThe LUID of the user


The background_job event logs information about jobs run as background tasks. For each job, an event is created to record its various states, including initiation time, queueing, start time and success or failure.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
argsstringArguments of the job
durationlongDuration of the job
eventInitiatedTimestringStart time of the job

State of the job


Indicates whether the job was initiated manually, by clicking the ‘Run Now’ option on the site or using REST API, or if it was triggered by a schedule.

Note: Starting in April 2024, jobs triggered by a schedule (False) include data for all attributes listed in the table. Attributes for jobs initiated manually (True) are under active development and tentatively scheduled for inclusion in a future release.

jobIdintegerID of the job
jobLuidstringLUID of the job

Identifies the background job type associated with the event

Note: Starting in April 2024, only the IncrementExtracts, RefreshExtracts and RefreshExtractsViaBridge jobs include data for all attributes listed in the table. Attributes for other job types are under active development and tentatively scheduled for inclusion in a future release.

notesstringNotes of the job
objLuidstringSome tasks are specific to a particular workbook or data source. In such cases, the object_luid is the primary key of the relevant item, in either the workbooks or data sources tables, as indicated by obj_type.
objNamestringName of the associated object. Used in conjunction with obj_luid, as described there.
objOwnerLuidstringA foreign key reference to the user who owns the job target object
objOwnerNamestringName of the user who owns the job target object

Uniquely identifies a workbook or data source and is used when referencing the object in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook or data source name.

objRevisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
objSizeintegerThe number of bytes used in storing the job target object information
objTypestringEither a workbook or data source. Used in conjunction with obj_luid.
podNamestringName of the Tableau pod that handled the job
projectLuidstringA foreign key reference to the project in which the job target object exists
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the job target object
projectOwnerEmailstringEmail address of the user who owns the project containing the job target object
projectOwnerLuidstringA foreign key reference to the user who owns the project containing the job target object
scheduleLuidstringSchedule LUID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started
scheduleNamesringSchedule name of the task; may be null if the job was manually started
siteIdintegerID of the site
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
taskIdintegerID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started.
taskLuidstringLUID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started.
timeZoneintegerTime zone of the job


The content_owner_change event is logged when the content owner changes.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the owner changed
contentLuidstringLUID of the content that had the owner changed
contentNamestringName of the content that had the owner changed
contentTypestringThe type of content, such as data source, workbook or view
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
newOwnerIdintegerThe ID of the new content owner
newOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the new content owner
oldOwnerIdintegerThe ID of the old content owner
oldOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the old content owner


The create_delete_group event is logged when a group is created or deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupDomainstringThe domain of the group, such as local
groupIDintegerThe ID of the group
groupLuidstringThe LUID of the group
groupNamestringThe name of the group that had its permissions changed
groupOperationstringGroup operation, either create or delete
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The create_permissions event is logged when a new explicit permission rule is created.

Note: Deprecated in October 2024. Use the set_permissions event instead.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
authorisableTypestringThe type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityIdintegerThe ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download or delete
capabilityValuestringDescription of the capability
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content item
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValuestringThe updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_all_permissions event is logged when all explicit permission rules for content are deleted, typically when content is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
authorisableTypestringThe type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions updated
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_permissions event is logged when an explicit permission rule is deleted on content.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
authorisableTypestringThe type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityIdintegerThe ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download or delete
capabilityValuestringDescription of the capability
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValuestringThe updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_permissions_grantee event is logged when all explicit permission rules for a user are deleted, typically when the user is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The display_sheet_tabs event is logged when the "Tabbed Views" value is updated on a workbook.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
workbookIdintegerThe ID of the workbook


The hist_access_authoring_view event is logged when a user authors view.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_access_datasource event is logged when a user accesses a data source.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_access_datasource_remotely event is logged when a user accesses a data source from Tableau Bridge.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_access_metric event is logged when users interact with metrics on the site.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringUnique ID of the custom view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the metric
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the metric
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringUnique ID of the view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_access_summary_data event is logged when users access the Summary Data window.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerThe version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

sheetNamestringName of the sheet for which data was accessed
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views that are associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_access_underlying_data event is logged when users access the Underlying Data window.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerThe version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether this workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

sheetNamestringName of the sheet for which data was accessed
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views that are associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_access_view event is logged when users access a view.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
actorExternalIdstringThe external ID for the acting user. This is an opaque identifier dependent on the actor type, but could, for example, be a user email. Can also show the identifier of a user accessing content through on-demand access.
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_activate_site event is logged when a Tableau site is activated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_add_user_to_group event is logged when a user is added to a group.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupLuidstringUnique ID of the group
namestringName of the group
siteNamestringName of the site
userLuidstringLUID of the user added to the group
userNamestringName of the user added to the group


The hist_append_to_datasource_extract event is logged when data is added to a data extract.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_bulk_delete_columns event is logged when columns are deleted from a data source.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
columnLuidstringUnique ID of the column
descriptionstringDescription of the published column
namestringName of the published column
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the column owner
ownerNamestringThe name of the column owner

LUID of the project that contains the column

projectNamestringName of the project that contains the column
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_change_collection_ownership event is logged when the collection owner is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
collectionLuidstringUnique ID of the collection
descriptionstringDescription of the collection
namestringName of the collection
newOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the new collection owner
newOwnerNamestringThe name of the new collection owner
oldOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the previous collection owner
oldOwnerNamestringThe name of previous collection owner
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the collection owner
ownerNamestringName of the collection owner
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_change_data_role_ownership event is logged when data role ownership is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique ID of the data role
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
namestringName of the data role
newOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the new data role owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new data role owner
oldOwnerLuidstringThe LUID of the previous data role owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous data role owner
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_change_database_contact event is logged when changing the database contact.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
databaseLuidstringUnique ID of the database
descriptionstringDescription of the database
namestringName of the database
newContactLuidstringLUID of the new contact
newContactNamestringName of the new contact
oldContactLuidstringLUID of the previous contact
oldContactNamestringName of the previous contact
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the database owner
ownerNamestringName of the database owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the database
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the database
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_change_datasource_ownership event is logged when changing the data source owner.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new data source owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new data source owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous data source owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous data source owner
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_change_flow_ownership event is logged when changing the flow owner.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new flow owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new flow owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous flow owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of previous flow owner
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_change_metric_ownership event is logged when changing the metric owner.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringUnique ID of the custom view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new metric owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new metric owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous metric owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous metric owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the metric
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the metric
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringUnique ID of the view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_change_project_ownership event is logged when project ownership is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the project
namestringName of the project
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new project owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new project owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous project owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous project owner
ownerLuidstringLUID of the project owner
ownerNamestringName of the project owner
parentProjectLuidstringLUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
statestringState of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_change_published_connection_ownership event is logged when published connection ownership is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activatedbooleanIndicates whether the published connection is available for use
descriptionstringDescription of the published connection
namestringName of the published connection
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new published connection owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new published connection owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous published connection owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous published connection owner
ownerLuidstringLUID of the published connection owner
ownerNamestringName of the published connection owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the published connection
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the published connection
publishedConnectionLuidstringUnique ID of the published connection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The legacy change site extract encryption mode event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_change_table_contact event is logged when the table contact is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the table
namestringName of the table
newContactLuidstringLUID of the new contact
newContactNamestringName of the new contact
oldContactLuidstringLUID of the previous contact
oldContactNamestringName of the previous contact
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the table owner
ownerNamestringName of the table owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the table
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the table
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
tableLuidstringUnique ID of the table


The hist_change_workbook_ownership event is logged when workbook ownership is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerThe version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether this workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
newOwnerLuidstringLUID of the new project owner
newOwnerNamestringName of the new project owner
oldOwnerLuidstringLUID of the previous project owner
oldOwnerNamestringName of the previous project owner
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the workbook owner

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_collection event is logged when a user creates a collection.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
collectionLuidstringUnique ID of the collection
descriptionstringDescription of the collection
namestringName of the collection
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the collection owner
ownerNamestringName of the collection owner
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_create_column event is logged when a user creates a column.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
columnLuidstringUnique ID of the column
descriptionstringDescription of the column
namestringName of the column
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the column owner
ownerNamestringName of the column owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the column
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the column
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_create_data_quality_indicator event is logged when users create data quality warnings.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataQualityIndicatorLuidstringUnique ID of the data quality indicator
dataQualityTypestringThe type of data quality indicator. Either warning, deprecated, stale data, under maintenance, sensitive data or a custom value.
isActivebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSeverebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
messagestringMessage of data quality indicator
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userDisplayNamestringDisplay name of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuidstringLUID of user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_create_database event is logged when a user creates a database.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
databaseLuidstringUnique ID of the database
descriptionstringDescription of the database
namestringName of the database
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the database owner
ownerNamestringName of the database owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the database
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the database
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_create_datasource_extracts event is logged when a new data source extract is created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringMessage that includes details about the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_create_datasource_task event is logged when a new data source task is created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If the task is inactive, it will not run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringTask title. Provides additional information about the task.
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_create_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_create_flow_task event is logged when a new flow task is created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If the task is inactive, it will not run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringTask title. Provides additional information about the task.
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_create_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to be created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_create_group event is logged when creating a group.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupLuidstringUnique ID of the group
namestringName of the group
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_create_linked_task event is logged when creating linked tasks that run sequentially.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringTask title. Provides additional information about the task.
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_create_materialized_views event logs the successful creation of materialised views on a workbook.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the materialised views were created or deleted).
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventTypestringThe type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt or Rekey Materialised Views.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_metric event is logged when users create metrics on the site.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the associated project
projectNamestringName of the associated project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_create_project event is logged when users create projects on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the project
namestringName of the project
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the project owner
ownerNamestringName of the project owner
parentProjectLuidstringLUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuidstringUnique identifier for the project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
statestringState of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_create_schedule event is logged when users create schedules on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The legacy create site from historical_events

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_create_subscription_task event is logged when subscription tasks are created.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_create_system_user event is logged when adding a system user.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_create_table event is logged when creating a database table on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the table
namestringName of the table
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the table owner
ownerNamestringName of the table owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the table
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the table
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
tableLuidstringUnique ID of the table


The hist_create_user event is logged when adding a user to the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_create_workbook_extracts event is logged when changes are made to workbooks containing extracts.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_workbook_task event is logged for workbook-related tasks.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The legacy decrypt datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique ID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy decrypt datasource extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique ID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy decrypt flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
detailsstringA message string
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy decrypt flow draft extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy decrypt flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
detailsstringA message string
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The legacy decrypt flow extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_decrypt_materialized_views event logs the successful decrypting of materialised views on a workbook.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the materialised views were created or deleted).
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventTypestringThe type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt or Rekey Materialised Views.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy decrypt site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy decrypt workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy decrypt workbook extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_access_token event is logged when a user deletes an access token.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site where the access token is deleted.


The hist_delete_collection event is logged when a collection is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
collectionLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the collection
namestringName of the collection
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the collection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_column event is logged when deleting a database column.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
columnLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the column
namestringName of the column
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user who owns the column
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the column
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the column
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the column
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_data_quality_indicator event is logged when a data quality warning is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataQualityIndicatorLuidstringUnique identifier
dataQualityTypestringThe type of data quality indicator
isActivebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSeverebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
messagestringData quality filter message
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userDisplayNamestringName of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_delete_data_role event is logged when deleting a data role.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
namestringName of the data role
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_database event is logged when a database is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
databaseLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the database
namestringName of the database
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the database owner
ownerNamestringName of the database owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the database
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the database
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_datasource event is logged when deleting a data source.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_delete_datasource_task event is logged when a data-source-related task is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_delete_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_delete_expired_refresh_token event is logged when an expired refresh token is deleted by the Backgrounder process.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
deviceNamestringName of the device associated with the refresh token
refreshTokenGuidstringUnique ID of the refresh token
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_flow event is logged when a flow is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_delete_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_delete_flow_task event is logged when deleting flow-related tasks.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_delete_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to be deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_delete_group event is logged when a group is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupLuidstringUnique ID of the group
namestringName of the group
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_linked_task event is logged when deleting tasks that are linked and scheduled to run serially.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_delete_materialized_views event logs the successful deletion of materialised views on a workbook

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the materialised views were created or deleted).
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventTypestringThe type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt or Rekey Materialised Views.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_metric event is logged when a metric is deleted.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the associated project
projectNamestringName of the associated project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_delete_project event is logged when a project is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the project
namestringName of the project
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the project owner
ownerNamestringName of the project owner
parentProjectLuidstringLUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuidstringUnique identifier for the project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
statestringState of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_delete_refresh_token_session event is logged when a session created by refresh token is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
deviceNamestringName of the device associated with the refresh token
refreshTokenGuidstringUnique ID of the refresh token
sessionIdstringID of the session
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_schedule event is logged when a schedule is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_delete_site event is logged when a site is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_delete_system_user event is logged when a system user is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = site admin and 0 = not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringThe unique identifier of the user


The hist_delete_table event is logged when a table is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the table
namestringName of the table
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the table owner
ownerNamestringName of the table owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the table
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the table
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
tableLuidstringUnique identifier


The hist_delete_user event is logged when a user is deleted from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_delete_user_from_group event is logged when a user is removed from a group.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
groupLuidstringUnique ID of the group
namestringName of the group
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringLUID of the user deleted from the group
userNamestringThe name of the user deleted from the group


The hist_delete_view event is logged when a view is deleted from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_delete_workbook event is logged when a workbook is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_workbook_task event is logged when a workbook-related task is deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_disable_linked_task_schedule event is logged when a linked task schedule is turned off.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_disable_schedule event is logged when a schedule is turned off.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_download_datasource event is logged when a data source is downloaded from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_download_flow event is logged when a flow is downloaded from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_download_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is downloaded from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_download_workbook event is logged when downloading a workbook from the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_enable_linked_task_schedule event is logged when a linked task schedule is turned on.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_enable_schedule event is logged when a schedule is turned on.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The legacy encrypt datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy encrypt datasource extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy encrypt flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
detailsstringA message string
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy encrypt flow draft extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy encrypt flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
detailsstringA message string
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The legacy encrypt flow extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_encrypt_materialized_views event logs the successful encrypting of materialised views on a workbook.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the materialised views were created or deleted).
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventTypestringThe type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt or Rekey Materialised Views.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy encrypt site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy encrypt workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy encrypt workbook extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_export_summary_data event is logged when summary data is exported from a view.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetNamestringName of the sheet for which data was accessed.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_export_underlying_data event is logged when underlying data is exported from a view.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetNamestringName of the sheet for which data was accessed.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy Hyper data update job event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the data was updated).
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanWhether the action succeeded or failed.
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_impersonate_user event logs when a user ID has been impersonated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_increment_datasource_extract event is logged when a data source extract is incrementally refreshed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_increment_workbook_extracts event is logged when extracts in a workbook are incrementally refreshed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_issue_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is issued.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
refreshTokenGuidstringThe unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_lock_site event is logged when a site is locked.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_login event is logged when a user signed in to the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
actorExternalIdstringThe external ID for the acting user. This is an opaque identifier dependent on the actor type, but could, for example, be a user email. Can also show the identifier of a user accessing content through on-demand access.
groupNamesstringThe list of group names assigned to the user with on-demand access during sign-in
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_login_with_pat event is logged when a user signed in with a personal access token (PAT).

Attribute NameTypeDescription
clientIdstringUsed for PATs. The client ID is typically the PAT name displayed in the Tableau UI.
createdAtstringThe timestamp when the PAT was first created
expiresAtstringThe timestamp when the PAT expires
lastUsedAtstringThe timestamp when the PAT was last used
refreshTokenGuidstringThe unique ID of the PAT
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_logout event is logged when a user logged out of the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_move_data_role event is logged when a data role is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
namestringName of the data role
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project


The hist_move_database event is logged when a database is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
databaseLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the database
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
namestringName of the database
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the database owner
ownerNamestringName of the database owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the database
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the database
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project


The hist_move_datasource event is logged when a published data source is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_move_flow event is logged when a flow is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project


The hist_move_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_move_metric event is logged when a metric is moved to a new project.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the associated project
projectNamestringName of the associated project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_move_project event is logged when a project is moved.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the project
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
namestringName of the project
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the project owner
ownerNamestringName of the project owner
parentProjectLuidstringLUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuidstringUnique identifier for the project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
statestringState of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_move_published_connection event is logged when a published connection is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activatedbooleanWhether this published connection was ever made available for consumption
descriptionstringDescription of the published connection
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
namestringName of the published connection
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user that owns the published connection
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the published connection
projectLuidstringThe associated project
projectNamestringThe name of the associated project
publishedConnectionLuidstringUnique ID of the published connection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project


The hist_move_table event is logged when a table is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the table
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
namestringName of the table
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the table owner
ownerNamestringName of the table owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the table
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the table
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
tableLuidstringUnique identifier


The hist_move_workbook event is logged when a workbook is moved to a new project.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
destinationProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectNamestringName of the destination project
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
sourceProjectLuidstringUnique ID of the source project
sourceProjectNamestringName of the source project
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_pause_datasource_extract_refresh event is logged when a data source extract refresh is paused.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_pause_workbook_extract_refresh event is logged when a workbook extract refresh is paused.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_publish_data_role event is logged when a data role is published.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
namestringName of the data role
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_publish_datasource event is logged when a data source is published on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_publish_flow event is logged when a flow is published on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_publish_view event is logged when a view is published on the site.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_publish_workbook event is logged when a workbook is published.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_redeem_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is redeemed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
refreshTokenGuidstringThe unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_refresh_datasource_extract event is logged when a data extract is refreshed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_refresh_workbook_extracts event is logged when extracts in a workbook are refreshed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy rekey datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy rekey flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
detailsstringA message string
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy rekey flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringVersion of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
detailsstringA message string
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_rekey_materialized_views event logs the successful rekeying of materialised views on a workbook.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringDetails of the action (why the materialised views were created or deleted).
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventTypestringThe type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt or Rekey Materialised Views.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy change rekey site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy rekey workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_rename_collection event is logged when a collection is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
collectionLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the collection
formerNamestringThe former name of the collection
namestringName of the collection
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the collection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_data_role event is logged when a data role is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
formerNamestringThe former name of the data role
namestringName of the data role
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_datasource event is logged when a data source is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
formerNamestringThe former name of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_rename_flow event is logged when a flow is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
formerNamestringThe former name of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_rename_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
formerNamestringThe former name of the flow draft
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_rename_group event is logged when a group is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
formerNamestringThe former name of the group
groupLuidstringUnique ID of the group
namestringName of the group
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_metric event is logged when a metric is renamed.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
formerNamestringThe former name of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the associated project
projectNamestringName of the associated project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_rename_published_connection event is logged when a published connection is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activatedbooleanWhether this published connection was ever made available for consumption
descriptionstringDescription of the published connection
formerNamestringThe former name of the published connection
namestringName of the published connection
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user that owns the published connection
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the published connection
projectLuidstringThe associated project
projectNamestringThe name of the associated project
publishedConnectionLuidstringUnique ID of the published connection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_workbook event is logged when a workbook is renamed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
formerNamestringThe former name of the workbook
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_replace_datasource_extract event is logged when a data extract is replaced.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_revoke_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is revoked.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
refreshTokenGuidstringThe unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_run_flow event is logged when a flow is run manually.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_run_flow_scheduled event is logged when a flow is run from a schedule.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task


The hist_save_flow event is logged when a flow is saved.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_save_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is saved.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_send_data_driven_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert email or notification is sent successfully.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_failing_data_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert email or notification fails.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_refresh_pre_pause_email_for_content event logs when a refresh pre-pause email is sent.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentLuidstringLUID of the content item for which the refresh pre-pause email was sent
contentNamestringName of the content item for which the refresh pre-pause email was sent
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
ownerLuidstringLUID of the content owner
ownerNamestringName of the content owner
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_send_subscription_email_for_view event event is logged when a view subscription email is sent successfully.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
scheduleLuidstringThe UUID of the schedule. Used in REST API.
scheduleNamestringName of the schedule
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_subscription_email_for_workbook event is logged when a workbook subscription email is sent successfully.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
scheduleLuidstringThe UUID of the schedule. Used in REST API.
scheduleNamestringA schedule can be given a name, which is stored here.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_send_suspended_data_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert is suspended.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
captionstringThe descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
descriptionstringDescription of the view
fieldsstringA list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
indexintegerEach view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
namestringName of the view
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the view owner
ownerNamestringName of the view owner
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetIdstringThe ID of the worksheet
sheetTypestringThe type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard or view.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
titlestringThe worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuidstringThe LUID of the view
workbookLuidstringThe LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookNamestringName of the workbook containing the view


The hist_suspend_site event is logged when a site is suspended.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_update_collection event is logged when a collection is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
collectionLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the collection
namestringName of the collection
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the collection
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_update_column event is logged when a column is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
columnLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the column
namestringName of the column
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the user who owns the column
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the column
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the column
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the column
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_update_data_quality_indicator event is logged when a data quality indicator is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataQualityIndicatorLuidstringUnique identifier
dataQualityTypestringThe type of data quality indicator
isActivebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSeverebooleanIndicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
messagestringData quality filter message
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userDisplayNamestringName of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_update_data_role event is logged when a data role is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
dataRoleLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data role
namestringName of the data role
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data role owner
ownerNamestringName of the data role owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data role
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_update_database event is logged when a database is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
databaseLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the database
namestringName of the database
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the database owner
ownerNamestringName of the database owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the database
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the database
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site


The hist_update_datasource event is logged when a data source is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_update_datasource_task event is logged when data-source-related tasks are updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_update_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringLUID of the data source
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUser LUID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringLUID of the project containing the data source
projectNamestringName of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_update_flow event is logged when a flow is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_update_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
createdAtstringTimestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
namestringName of the flow draft
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
ownerNamestringName of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different from the flow owner.
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAtstringTimestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizelongSize of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAtstringTimestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_update_flow_task event is logged when a flow update task is run.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_update_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to update.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionstringThe version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
descriptionstringDescription of the flow
flowLuidstringUnique ID of the flow
namestringName of the flow
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the flow in bytes


The hist_update_linked_task event is logged when a linked update task is run.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_update_metric event is logged when a metric is updated.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
customizedViewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data
descriptionstringDescription of the metric
metricLuidstringUnique ID of the metric
namestringName of the metric
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the associated project
projectNamestringName of the associated project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
suspendStateintegerState of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuidstringThe view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_update_project event is logged when a project is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the project
namestringName of the project
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the project owner
ownerNamestringName of the project owner
parentProjectLuidstringLUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuidstringUnique identifier for the project
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
statestringState of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_update_schedule event is logged when a schedule is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMaskintegerIndicates which day of the month the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMaskintegerIndicates which day of the week the schedule will run on. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000 and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAtstringTimestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerialbooleanIndicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteIntervalintegerOnce triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute or end_schedule_at.
namestringName of the schedule
priorityintegerPriority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the schedule
scheduleTypeintegerThe type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledActionintegerCategory of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
startAtMinuteintegerThe minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_update_site event is logged when a site is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the Tableau site
siteEventLuidstringUnique ID of the site affected by the event
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
urlNamespacestringUsed in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_update_system_user_email event is logged when a system user's email is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
formerEmailstringThe former email address of the user.
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_force_password_update event logs a successful invocation that forces a password update.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_image event is logged when a system user updates their profile image.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_name event is logged when a system user updates their name.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
formerNamestringThe former friendly name of the user.
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_password event is logged when a system user updates their password.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_reset_login_rate_limiting event logs a successful invocation that resets the login rate limiting values

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_table event is logged when a table is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringDescription of the table
namestringName of the table
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the table owner
ownerNamestringName of the table owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the table
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the table
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
tableLuidstringUnique identifier


The hist_update_task_state event is logged when the state of a task is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The hist_update_user_site_role event is logged when a user's site role is changed.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
emailstringEmail address of the user
namestringName of the user
siteAdminLevelintegerIndicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
userLuidstringUnique ID of the user


The hist_update_workbook event is logged when a workbook is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The hist_update_workbook_task event is logged when a workbook update task is run.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
activebooleanIndicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCountintegerNumber of times the task has failed
creatorLuidstringUser ID of the user who created the task
creatorNamestringName of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTimeintegerAmount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTimeintegerAmount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAtstringTimestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuidstringUnique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objNamestringName of the object. Used with objLuid.
objTypestringThe type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priorityintegerPriority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuidstringUnique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
stateintegerState of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended and 2 = Disabled.
subtitlestringProvides additional information about the task
taskLuidstringThe UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
titlestringProvides additional information about the task
typestringThe type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption or system.


The legacy upgrade data source extract storage event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy upgrade data source tde extract event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
certificationNotestringReason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuidstringUnique identifier
descriptionstringDescription of the data source
detailsstringA message string
isCertifiedbooleanIndicates whether the data source is certified
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
namestringName of the data source
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the data source owner
ownerNamestringName of the data source owner
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentNamestringName of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revisionstringThe revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the data source in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgentbooleanIndicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy upgrade workbook extract storage event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The legacy upgrade workbook tde extract event from historical_events.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentVersionintegerVersion number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtractsbooleanIndicates whether the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndexintegerIndicates which view will be shown by default
detailsstringA message string
displayTabsbooleanIndicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersionstringVersion number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAtstringTimestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAtstringTimestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailurebooleanIndicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivatebooleanIndicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAtstringTimestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuidstringThe user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
namestringName of the workbook
ownerLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerNamestringName of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuidstringUnique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectNamestringName of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheetsbooleanIndicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtractsbooleanIndicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrlstringUniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revisionstringThe revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteNamestringName of the Tableau site
sizeintegerSize of the workbook in bytes
taskLuidstringLUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuidstringUnique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCountintegerCounts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuidstringUnique ID of the workbook


The metric_subscription_change event is logged when a user adds or removes a subscription to a Pulse metric.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
actorGroupLuidstringGroup LUID of the group that followed or unfollowed the metric. If a user changes the scoped metric, the actorGroupLuid value will be empty, and actorUserLuid will be populated instead.
scopedMetricIdstringThe ID of the scoped metric that had a subscription change
subscriptionOperationstringSubscription operation, such as 'metric followed' or 'metric unfollowed'


The move_content event is logged when content is moved, for example, moving a workbook between projects.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the owner changed
contentLuidstringLUID of the content that had the owner changed
contentNamestringName of the content that had the owner changed
contentTypestringThe type of content, such as data source, workbook or view
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
newContainerLuidstringLUID of the new container
newContainerTypestringThe new container type, such as a project
oldContainerLuidstringLUID of the previous container
oldContainerTypestringThe previous container type, such as a project


The project_lock_unlock event is logged when project permissions are locked or unlocked.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
controllingProjectLuidstringLUID of the project that controls permissions for the nested project
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
projectLuidstringLUID of the project
projectOperationstringProject operation, either lock or unlock


The set_permissions event is logged when an explicit permissions rule is created or updated for a content item.

Attribute NameTypeDescription

The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as project or workbook

capabilityIdintegerThe ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform a certain action on a particular piece of content, such as view, filter, download or delete.
capabilityValuestringDescription of the capability
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions set
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content item
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions set
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValuestringThe set permissions value, such as “user allow” or “group allow”
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionTypestringThe permission type, either explicit or unspecified


The site_storage_usage event logs the total storage capacity of the site in bytes, the amount of storage used and the percentage of the total consumed. Administrators can use this data to proactively monitor storage consumption and take action before reaching the site's storage limit.

Attribute NameTypeDescription

Username of the user who performed the action that initiated the event

initiatingUsernamestringUsername of the initiating user
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
totalPercentageStorageQuotaUsedfloatTotal percentage of storage usage
totalStorageQuotaLimitlongTotal storage capacity in bytes
totalStorageQuotaUsedlongTotal storage used in bytes


The update_permissions event is logged when an explicit permission rule is updated for a content item.

Note: Deprecated in October 2024. Use the set_permissions event instead.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
authorisableTypestringThe type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityIdintegerThe ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download or delete
capabilityValuestringDescription of the capability
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValuestringThe updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionTypestringThe permission type, either explicit or unspecified


The update_permissions_template event is logged when a permission template for a project is updated.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
authorisableTypestringThe type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityIdintegerThe ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download or delete
capabilityValuestringDescription of the capability
contentIdintegerThe ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuidstringThe LUID of the content
contentNamestringThe name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeIdintegerThe ID of the grantee
granteeLuidstringThe LUID of the grantee
granteeTypestringThe type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValuestringThe updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionTypestringThe permission type, either explicit or unspecified
templateTypestringThe type of permission template used to change permissions, such as workbook or data source


The user_create_delete event is logged when a user is created or deleted.

Attribute NameTypeDescription
forUserNamestringThe name of the user whose account was either created, updated or deleted
isErrorbooleanIndicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
siteRolestringSite role of the user. Determines the maximum level of access a user can have on the site
targetUserIdintegerThe ID of the user whose account was either created, updated or deleted
targetUserLuidstringThe LUID of the user whose account was either created, updated or deleted
userOperationstringThe action performed on a user, either create, delete or site role change