Control Deep Linking for Tableau Mobile

Links to views and metrics open in Tableau Mobile, if deep linking is enabled. When users select links to these types of content, the links either open directly in the app or open in a web browser and automatically redirect to the app.

Note that while links to views (the individual dashboards or sheets within a workbook) open in Tableau Mobile, links to entire workbooks or projects don't open in the app. For an overview of content types in Tableau, see Tour Your Tableau Site.

Disable deep linking to Tableau Mobile

By default, deep linking is enabled. If you disable deep linking, links will open in a web browser instead of Tableau Mobile.

To disable deep linking, enter the following in the command-line interface for Tableau Services Manager:

tsm configuration set -k mobile.deep_linking.on_prem.enabled -v false

For more information see, TSM configuration set options(Link opens in a new window).

Differences in deep linking behaviour

When a user attempts to open a link to a view or metric in Tableau Mobile, the behaviour depends on:

Note: Links to content other than views and metrics open in the browser, not Tableau Mobile.

Tableau versionDeviceBehaviour
Tableau CloudAndroidLinks to views sent by subscriptions or alerts or links copied or sent from the share dialog open directly in the app.

Links to views copied from the address bar open in the browser and redirect to the app.

Links to metrics from any source open in the app.

iOSLinks from subscriptions, alerts or share open directly in the app.

Links copied from the address bar open directly in the app for iOS 13 and later. For iOS 12 and earlier, links open in the browser and redirect to the app.

Tableau ServerAndroid and iOSLinks from subscriptions, alerts or share and links copied from the address bar both open in the browser and redirect to the app.