Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities

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During the initial planning stage, Tableau Project Team Roles and Responsibilities were defined and assigned. These same roles will have specific monitoring responsibilities for their respective technology areas. At a minimum, you must have a Tableau Server Administrator or a Tableau Cloud Site Administrator.


Tableau Admin Role

Monitoring Responsibilities

Tableau Server Administrator

The Tableau Server Administrator monitors overall server health including server usage patterns, process status (up/down/failover), job status (success/failure), disk drive space, and stale content.

Tableau Cloud Site Administrator

Tableau Cloud Site Administrators monitor license provisioning, usage patterns, Tableau Bridge activity, job status (success/failure), space usage, and stale content.


Depending on the size of the organization and the degree of specialization for a particular role, the external-to-Tableau monitoring responsibilities may be centralized or split across different teams. You may find that each of the organizational roles listed below equates to one person in a large organization, while more than one person may serve different roles in smaller organizations. What is most important is that each role monitors their respective area, rather than the number of people.


Role Name

Monitoring Responsibilities

Systems Administrator

The Systems Administrator monitors Tableau Server infrastructure and resource utilization (processor, memory, disk) or Tableau Bridge pool availability and activity.

Database Administrator

The Database Administrator monitors the database infrastructure for resource utilization and assists with modeling, structuring, and optimizing sources of data that connect to Tableau.

Security & Compliance Administrator

The Security & Compliance Officer monitors for compliance with company security and data security policies and external regulatory requirements such as accounts/passwords and PII.

Network Administrator

The Network Administrator monitors network communications and connectivity, including SSL, VPN, Tableau Bridge, and mobile networking to access Tableau.

Client Administrator

The Client Administrator monitors client software installation including versions, database drivers, including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, Tableau Mobile, and Tableau Bridge.

Mobile Administrator

The Mobile Administrator monitors Tableau Mobile app installation, utilization, and versions.


Regardless of the deployment size, performance is a shared responsibility among administrators and users. This makes both monitoring and measurement equally important for overall success.

  • For Tableau Server, a Systems Administrator may be responsible for the hardware and operating system only using enterprise monitoring platforms, while Tableau Server Administrators will monitor the health of Tableau Server and track key application metrics. Tableau Server Site Administrators or Project Leaders will measure content metrics in their respective site(s) or project(s), which can have significant impact on system performance and stability. Until content and engagement measurement responsibilities are delegated to Site Administrators or Project Leaders, these metrics should be monitored and measured by the Tableau Server Administrator.
  • For Tableau Cloud, the Tableau Cloud Site Administrator will monitor application-level metrics. Site Administrators or Project Leaders will measure content metrics in their respective site(s) or project(s) by enabling Admin Insights and delegating responsibilities. Until content and engagement measurement responsibilities are delegated to Project Leaders, these metrics should be monitored and measured by the Tableau Cloud Site Administrator.

For more information on content and engagement metrics, see Measurement of Tableau User Engagement and Adoption.