Initialize the API
The Tableau JavaScript API uses an object model. The entry point into the object model is to instantiate a new Viz
object as follows:
var viz = new tableau.Viz( /* params omitted */ );
For most Tableau objects you can navigate back to the object's parent by means of parent properties.
Create a Viz Object
There is only one entry point into the API: instantiating a new Viz
object, which creates the HTML necessary to embed a Tableau visualization. To instantiate a new Viz
object, call the Viz
constructor and pass a reference to the div container on the HTML page, the URL of the visualization on Tableau Server, and a set of options.
var placeholderDiv = document.getElementById("tableauViz");
var url = "http://my-server/views/my-workbook/my-view";
var options = {
hideTabs: true,
width: "800px",
height: "700px",
onFirstInteractive: function() {
// The viz is now ready and can be safely used.
var viz = new tableau.Viz(placeholderDiv, url, options);
Get the visualization URL
Not sure where to get the visualization URL? Navigate to your visualization on Tableau Server and then edit the URL from this:
To this:
If you do not remove the #
symbol from the URL, you might see the following browser error:
Refused to display 'http://my-server/#/views/my-workbook/my-view'
in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
Specify Options
When you initialize a Viz
object, you can pass options that specify how the view is initially rendered. The following list describes some of the some of the types of options that you can specify:
- Set a width and height for the visualization.
- Show or hide the toolbar and tabs.
- Apply filters.
- Call a callback function when the visualization becomes interactive or when the width and height are known.
For a full reference of the options that you can specify, see the VizCreateOptions record of the Viz
Copy (Clone) an Existing Instance
When you initialize a Viz
object, you can specify that the new instance should be copied (cloned) from an
existing instance. This is useful if a user is working with a visualization but wants to try some new options or filters without
affecting the state of the original visualization.
To clone an instance, you specify the instanceIdToClone
option in the
VizCreateOptions record for the Viz
constructor. The cloned
instance is assigned a new ID. The following example shows how you can use this option.
function clone(instanceId) {
var url = "http://MY-SERVER/views/clone/demo";
var newVizElement = $('<div class="viz-container"><button>Clone</button></div>')
var viz = new tableau.Viz(newVizElement[0], url, {
instanceIdToClone: instanceId,
usePublishedSize: true,
hideToolbar: true
newVizElement.find('button').click(function() { clone(viz.getInstanceId())});
$(function() {
Get Notification When the Viz Object is Ready
One of the options you can pass when you instantiate a Viz
object is the onFirstInteractive
parameter. This parameter references a callback function that's invoked when the Viz
object has finished instantiating. This is an asynchronous callback, so your code can continue to run while the Viz
object is instantiating.
The state of the Viz
object is not valid until after the onFirstInteractive
function is called. If you want to perform operations on the Viz
object that require it to be fully initialized (for example, counting the number of sheets in the workbook), run your code after the onFirstInteractive
callback has been invoked, like this:
var viz;
var options = {
hideTabs: true,
onFirstInteractive: function () {
var sheetCount = viz.getWorkbook().getPublishedSheetsInfo().length;
viz = new tableau.Viz(div, url, options);
Some operations that you might do with the Viz
object do not require it to be completely initialized, such as adding event listeners to a Viz
object. In those cases, you don't need to wait until the onFirstInteractive
callback in order to run code to add the listeners. The following example shows code that adds a listener for the event that occurs when marks are selected. Notice that the code can run right after the Viz
object initialization code, and doesn't need to be in the onFirstInteractive
var viz = new tableau.Viz(...);
viz.addEventListener(tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, function (e) {
// do something with the marks