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Interface Pulse

The interface for the top-level Pulse object.




Optional disableExploreFilter

disableExploreFilter: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the explore filter is hidden or visible.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" disable-explore-filter>

Optional height

height: string | number

Represents height in pixels Can be any valid CSS size specifier. If not specified, defaults to the published height of the view.

Optional layout

layout: PulseLayout

Specifies the desired custom layout of the Pulse metric.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" layout="card">

Optional src

src: string | null

The viz src

Optional token

token: undefined | string

The token used for authorization

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />

Optional width

width: string | number

Represents width in pixels Can be any valid CSS size specifier. If not specified, defaults to the published width of the view.