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Interface Pulse

The interface for the top-level Pulse object.




Optional disableExploreFilter

disableExploreFilter: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the explore filter is hidden or visible.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" disable-explore-filter>

Optional height

height: string | number

Represents height in pixels Can be any valid CSS size specifier. If not specified, defaults to the published height of the view.

Optional iframeAttributeClass

iframeAttributeClass: undefined | string

The value of the 'class' attribute of the embedded iframe providing access to any custom selectors defined in the <iframe-style> child tag.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauViz" iframe-attr-class="red-border">
    .red-border {
      border: 1px solid red;

Optional iframeAttributeLoading

iframeAttributeLoading: undefined | string

The value of the 'loading' attribute of the embedded iframe. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#loading

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-attr-loading="lazy" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-attr-loading="lazy" />
<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" iframe-attr-loading="lazy" />

Optional iframeAttributeStyle

iframeAttributeStyle: undefined | string

The value of the 'style' attribute of the embedded iframe.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-attr-style="border: 1px solid red" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-attr-style="border: 1px solid red" />
<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" iframe-attr-style="border: 1px solid red" />

Optional layout

layout: PulseLayout

Specifies the desired custom layout of the Pulse metric.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" layout="card">

Optional src

src: string | null

The viz src

Optional theme

theme: undefined | string

The Base64-encoded string representation of the Pulse theme object.

Optional timeDimension

timeDimension: PulseTimeDimension

Specifies the desired time dimension to apply to the Pulse metric by default.

<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" time-dimension="MonthToDate">

Optional token

token: undefined | string

The token used for authorization

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-pulse id="tableauPulse" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />

Optional width

width: string | number

Represents width in pixels Can be any valid CSS size specifier. If not specified, defaults to the published width of the view.



  • addFilter(fieldName: string, value: string): void
  • Use this method to filter the Pulse metric before initialization. If used after initialization, it will re-render the metric. For filtering after initialization, use the other filtering methods, such as applyFilterAsync.

    If you add the same filter fields using the addFilter() method and by using the <pulse-filter> element in the <tableau-pulse> web component, you might experience unexpected behavior.


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the field to filter on.

    • value: string

      Single value or a list of comma separated values to filter on.

      pulse.addFilter('Region', 'Central,West');

    Returns void


  • Applies the list of provided categorical filter values to the Pulse metric.


    Returns Promise<string>

    The field name that the filter is applied on.


  • Applies at least one categorical filter value to the Pulse metric.


    Returns Promise<Array<string>>

    The field names that the filter was applied on.


  • Applies the time dimension to the Pulse metric.


    Returns Promise<void>


  • clearAllFiltersAsync(): Promise<void>
  • Resets all the existing filters on the Pulse metric.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • clearFilterAsync(fieldNames: string): Promise<string>
  • Resets the existing filter for the given field on the Pulse metric.


    • fieldNames: string

    Returns Promise<string>

    The field to clear filter on.


  • clearFiltersAsync(fieldNames: Array<string>): Promise<Array<string>>
  • Resets the existing filter for the given fields on the Pulse metric.


    • fieldNames: Array<string>

      The name of the fields to clear filter on.

    Returns Promise<Array<string>>

    The fields to clear filter on.


  • Gets a list of filters for the Pulse metric.

    Returns Promise<Array<PulseFilter>>

    The list of filters.


  • Gets the current time dimension applied to the Pulse metric.

    Returns Promise<PulseTimeDimension>

    The current time dimension.


  • resize(): void
  • Use this method to readjust the dimensions of the embedded Pulse metric in response to things like a window resize, device orientation change, or parent container resize.

    window.addEventListener('resize', () => pulse.resize());
    new ResizeObserver(() => pulse.resize()).observe(pulse.parentElement);

    Returns void