Raised when the workbook has been published. This notification is sent when using embedded web authoring functionality.
Raised when "publish as" is successful. This notification is sent when using embedded web authoring functionality.
Raised when the workbook is ready to close. This notification is sent when using embedded web authoring functionality.
Raised when the user clicks on the Edit In Desktop Button.
Fired when viz size is known
Raised after the iframe src attribute has been updated
Raised when an error occurs while loading the contents of the webcomponent.
Fired when a viz first becomes interactive
Fired when the Pulse metric size is known
Fired when an internal Pulse error is encountered.
Fired when the Pulse filters change
Fired when a Pulse insight is discovered
Fired when the Pulse metric time dimension changes
Fired when the Pulse URL changes
Raised when a custom mark context menu is clicked.
Raised when a custom view has finished loading. This event is raised after the callback function for FirstInteractive (if any) has been called.
Raised when a custom view has been removed.
Raised when a custom view has been saved (newly created or updated).
Raised when a custom view has been set as the default view for a workbook.
Raised when the user clicks on the Edit Button.
Raised when any filter has changed state. You can use this event type with TableauViz objects.
The selected marks on a visualization have changed. You can use this event type with TableauViz objects.
A parameter has had its value modified. You can use this event type with Parameter objects.
Raised after a new story point becomes active.
Raised when changes are made to summary data.
Raised after a tab switch occurs (the active sheet has changed). Guarantees the viz object will be interactive after this.
Raised when a toolbar button or control becomes available or becomes unavailable.
Raised when a URL action occurs. See the UrlActionEvent class.
Represents the type of tableau embedding event that can be listened for.