Content Exploration Methods

Content exploration methods enable you to view:

Search Results: Explore your Tableau content based on relevance to an provided term and filter expression.

Usage Statistics: Get the count of the number of times a user has directly or indirectly accessed a specified content item, or a batch of content items. Statistics are available for workbooks, views, data sources, flows and other Tableau resources. The response contains counts for a variety of time periods, ranging from two weeks up to the resource's lifetime.

Suggestions: Get suggestions for autocompletion as a user types, based on matches of their input. Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the specified term.

Get Content Suggestions

Returns a specified number of suggestions for auto-completion of user input as they type. You can specify content types of suggestions and prioritize recently viewed content.

Version: Available in API 3.19 ( Tableau Cloud March 2023 / Server 2023.1) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Suggestions will be limited to those objects that the user has permissions to access. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available. Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/suggestions

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Get content search results

Searches across all supported content types for objects relevant to the search expression specified in the querystring of the request URI.

Version: Available in API 3.16 ( Tableau Cloud June 2022 / Server 2022.3) and later. Version Overview

Permissions: Search results will be limited to those objects that the user has permissions to access. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available. Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/search

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Get batch content usage statistics

Gets usage statistics for multiple content items. The batch of can include multiple content types.

Version: Available in API 3.17 ( Tableau Cloud December 2022) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Tableau administrators can get statistics for all content they administer. Other users can get statistics for any content they own or have at least Read permissions for. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available. Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

POST {server}/api/-/content/usage-stats

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Get usage statistics for content item

Gets the usage statistics for a Tableau content item, specified by LUID and content type, such as workbook, datasource, or flow.

Version: Available in API 3.17 ( Tableau Cloud December 2022) and later. Not available for Tableau Server. Version Overview

Permissions: Tableau administrators can get statistics for all content they administer. Other users can get statistics for any content they own or have at least Read permissions for. Permissions Overview

License: No additional license required.

Access Scope: Not available. Tableau Cloud | Tableau Server-Windows | Tableau Server-Linux

GET {server}/api/-/content/usage-stats/{type}/{luid}

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