Save Workbooks with Tableau Public

If you want to share your data discoveries with the world outside of your organization, you can save your workbook to Tableau Public, a free cloud service. On Tableau Public, anyone can interact with your views, or download your workbooks or data sources. For information, go to the Tableau Public website.

Important: Workbooks and data published to your Tableau Public profile are not private and are freely accessible to anyone. To work offline or use private data, you can save workbooks locally with the free Tableau Desktop Public Edition.

Save a workbook to Tableau Public

  1. With your workbook open in Tableau Desktop Professional or Public Edition, select Server > Tableau Public > Save to Tableau Public.

    Note: This option is available only if you’ve created a viz that contains at least one field.

  2. Sign in using your Tableau Public account.

    A Tableau Public sign-in screen.

    If you don’t have an account, select the link to create a new one.

  3. Type a name for the workbook and click Save.

    When you save a workbook to Tableau Public, the publishing process creates an extract of the data connection.

    Tip: The title becomes part of your view’s metadata. Use a unique title that will help others find it when they search. (The title shown in the image is a good example of how not to name your workbook.)

    Save to Tableau Public, give your workbook a descriptive title so others can find it.

    After the workbook is published, you are redirected to your account on the Tableau Public website(Link opens in a new window).

On your profile page on Tableau Public, do any of the following to customize your profile:

  • Hover the pointer over a viz to get access to actions such as selecting it as your featured viz, or hiding, downloading, or deleting it.

  • Hover the pointer over a viz and then select View to open the viz’s home page. There you can select Edit Details to customize metadata such as workbook name and description, add a permalink, and change other settings.

  • To get a link to share on social media or code to embed in a web page, display a view, and then click Share at the bottom of the view. (You can get links and embed code for other Tableau Public users’ views this way, too.)

Save a workbook locally with Tableau Desktop Public Edition

With the free Tableau Desktop Public Edition, you can choose to either save workbooks to Tableau Public, or save workbooks locally. Local saving allows you to work offline until you’re ready to share your work on Tableau Public, and gives you the option to work with private data that can’t be shared on Tableau Public.