Number Functions

This article introduces number functions and their uses in Tableau. It also demonstrates how to create a number calculation using an example.

Why use number functions

Number functions allow you to perform computations on the data values in your fields. Number functions can only be used with fields that contain numerical values. For more information, see Data Types.

For example, you might have a field that contains values for the variance in your budget, titled Budget Variance. One of those values might be -7. You can use the ABS function to return the absolute value of that number, and all the other numbers in that field.

The calculation might look something like this:

ABS[Budget Variance]

And for that -7 value, the output would be 7.

Number functions available in Tableau


Syntax ABS(number)
Output Number (positive)
Definition Returns the absolute value of the given <number>.
ABS(-7) = 7
ABS([Budget Variance])

The second example returns the absolute value for all the numbers contained in the Budget Variance field.

Notes See also SIGN.


Syntax ACOS(number)
Output Number (angle in radians)
Definition Returns the arccosine (angle) of the given <number>.
ACOS(-1) = 3.14159265358979
Notes The inverse function, COS, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the cosine.


Syntax ASIN(number)
Output Number (angle in radians)
Definition Returns the arcsine (angle) of a given <number>.
ASIN(1) = 1.5707963267949
Notes The inverse function, SIN, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the sine.


Syntax ATAN(number)
Output Number (angle in radians)
Definition Returns the arctangent (angle) of a given <number>.
ATAN(180) = 1.5652408283942

The inverse function, TAN, takes the angle in radians as the argument and returns the tangent.

See also ATAN2 and COT.


Syntax ATAN2(y number, x number)
Output Number (angle in radians)
Definition Returns the arctangent (angle) between two numbers (x and y). The result is in radians.
ATAN2(2, 1) = 1.10714871779409
Notes See also ATAN, TAN, and COT.


Syntax CEILING(number)
Output Integer
Definition Rounds a <number> to the nearest integer of equal or greater value.
CEILING(2.1) = 3
Notes See also FLOOR and ROUND.
Database limitations

CEILING is available through the following connectors: Microsoft Excel, Text File, Statistical File, Published Data Source, Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, Amazon Redshift, Cloudera Hadoop, DataStax Enterprise, Google Analytics, Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, MapR Hadoop Hive, Microsoft SQL Server, Salesforce, Spark SQL.


Syntax COS(number)

The number argument is the angle in radians.

Output Number
Definition Returns the cosine of an angle.
COS(PI( ) /4) = 0.707106781186548

The inverse function, ACOS, takes the cosine as the argument and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


Syntax COT(number)

The number argument is the angle in radians.

Output Number
Definition Returns the cotangent of an angle.
COT(PI( ) /4) = 1
Notes See also ATAN, TAN, and PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


Syntax DEGREES(number)

The number argument is the angle in radians.

Output Number (degrees)
Definition Converts an angle in radians to degrees.
DEGREES(PI( )/4) = 45.0

The inverse function, RADIANS, takes an angle in degrees and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI().


Syntax DIV(integer1, integer2)
Output Integer
Definition Returns the integer part of a division operation, in which <integer1> is divided by <integer2>.
DIV(11,2) = 5


Syntax EXP(number)
Output Number
Definition Returns e raised to the power of the given <number>.
EXP(2) = 7.389
EXP(-[Growth Rate]*[Time])
Notes See also LN.


Syntax FLOOR(number)
Output Integer
Definition Rounds a number to the nearest <number> of equal or lesser value.
FLOOR(7.9) = 7
Notes See also CEILING and ROUND.
Database limitations

FLOOR is available through the following connectors: Microsoft Excel, Text File, Statistical File, Published Data Source, Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, Cloudera Hadoop, DataStax Enterprise, Google Analytics, Google BigQuery, Hortonworks Hadoop Hive, MapR Hadoop Hive, Microsoft SQL Server, Salesforce, Spark SQL.


Syntax HEXBINX(number, number)
Output Number
Definition Maps an x, y coordinate to the x-coordinate of the nearest hexagonal bin. The bins have side length 1, so the inputs may need to be scaled appropriately.
HEXBINX([Longitude]*2.5, [Latitude]*2.5)
Notes HEXBINX and HEXBINY are binning and plotting functions for hexagonal bins. Hexagonal bins are an efficient and elegant option for visualizing data in an x/y plane such as a map. Because the bins are hexagonal, each bin closely approximates a circle and minimizes variation in the distance from the data point to the center of the bin. This makes the clustering both more accurate and informative.


Syntax HEXBINY(number, number)
Output Number
Definition Maps an x, y coordinate to the y-coordinate of the nearest hexagonal bin. The bins have side length 1, so the inputs may need to be scaled appropriately.
HEXBINY([Longitude]*2.5, [Latitude]*2.5)
Notes See also HEXBINX.


Syntax LN(number)


The output is Null if the argument is less than or equal to zero.

Definition Returns the natural logarithm of a <number>.
LN(50) = 3.912023005
Notes See also EXP and LOG.


Syntax LOG(number, [base])

If the optional base argument isn't present, base 10 is used.

Output Number
Definition Returns the logarithm of a number for the given base.
LOG(16,4) = 2
Notes See also POWER LN.


Syntax MAX(expression) or MAX(expr1, expr2)
Output Same data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MAX can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MAX(4,7) = 7
MAX(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #2/20/2021#
MAX([Name]) = "Zander"

For strings

MAX is usually the value that comes last in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MAX string value is highest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MAX is the most recent date. If MAX is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MAX is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MAX(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MAX(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MIN.


Syntax MIN(expression) or MIN(expr1, expr2)
Output Same data type as the argument, or NULL if any part of the argument is null.

Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same data type.

MIN can also be applied to a single field as an aggregation.

MIN(4,7) = 4
MIN(#3/25/1986#, #2/20/2021#) = #3/25/1986#
MIN([Name]) = "Abebi"

For strings

MIN is usually the value that comes first in alphabetical order.

For database data sources, the MIN string value is lowest in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column.

For dates

For dates, the MIN is the earliest date. If MIN is an aggregation, the result will not have a date hierarchy. If MIN is a comparison, the result will retain the date hierarchy.

As an aggregation

MIN(expression) is an aggregate function and returns a single aggregated result. This displays as AGG(expression) in the viz.

As a comparison

MIN(expr1, expr2) compares the two values and returns a row-level value.

See also MAX.


Syntax PI()
Output Number
Definition Returns the numeric constant pi: 3.14159...
PI() = 3.14159
Notes Useful for trig functions that take their input in radians. See also RADIANS.


Syntax POWER(number, power)
Output Number
Definition Raises the <number> to the specified <power>.
POWER(5,3) = 125
POWER([Temperature], 2)
Notes You can also use the ^ symbol, such as 5^3 = POWER(5,3) = 125

See also EXP, LOG, and SQUARE.


Syntax RADIANS(number)
Output Number (angle in radians)
Definition Converts the given <number> from degrees to radians.
RADIANS(180) = 3.14159
Notes The inverse function, DEGREES, takes an angle in radians and returns the angle in degrees.


Syntax ROUND(number, [decimals])
Output Number

Rounds <number> to a specified number of digits.

The optional decimals argument specifies how many decimal points of precision to include in the final result. If decimals is omitted, number is rounded to the nearest integer.

ROUND(1/3, 2) = 0.33

Some databases, such as SQL Server, allow specification of a negative length, where -1 rounds number to 10's, -2 rounds to 100's, and so on. This is not true of all databases. For example, it is not true of Excel or Access.

Tip: Because ROUND may run into issues due to the underlying floating point representation of numbers—such as 9.405 rounding to 9.40—it may be preferable to format the number to the desired number of decimal points rather than rounding. Formatting 9.405 to two decimal places will yield the expected 9.41.

See also CEILING and FLOOR.


Syntax SIGN(number)
Output -1, 0, or 1
Definition Returns the sign of a <number>: The possible return values are -1 if the number is negative, 0 if the number is zero, or 1 if the number is positive.
SIGN(AVG(Profit)) = -1
Notes See also ABS.


Syntax SIN(number)

The number argument is the angle in radians.

Output Number
Definition Returns the sine of an angle.
SIN(0) = 1.0
SIN(PI( )/4) = 0.707106781186548

The inverse function, ASIN, takes the sine as the argument and returns the angle in radians.

See also PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


Syntax SQRT(number)
Output Number
Definition Returns the square root of a <number>.
SQRT(25) = 5
Notes See also SQUARE.


Syntax SQUARE(number)
Output Number
Definition Returns the square of a <number>.
SQUARE(5) = 25
Notes See also SQRT and POWER.


Syntax TAN(number)

The number argument is the angle in radians.

Output Number
Definition Returns the tangent of an angle.
TAN(PI ( )/4) = 1.0
Notes See also ATAN, ATAN2,COT, and PI. To convert an angle from degrees to radians, use RADIANS.


Syntax ZN(expression)
Output Any, or o

Returns the <expression> if it is not null, otherwise returns zero.

Use this function to replace null values with zeros.

ZN(Grade) = 0
Notes This is a very useful function when using fields that may contain nulls in a calculation. Wrapping the field with ZN can prevent errors caused by calculating with nulls.

Create a number calculation

Follow along with the steps below to learn how to create a number calculation.

  1. In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Sample - Superstore saved data source, which comes with Tableau.

  2. Navigate to a worksheet and select Analysis > Create Calculated Field.

  3. In the calculation editor that opens, do the following:

    • Name the calculated field Minimum Sales transaction

    • Enter the following formula:


    • When finished, click OK.

The new number calculation appears under Measures in the Data pane. Just like your other fields, you can use it in one or more visualizations.

When Minimum Sales is placed on Text on the Marks card in the worksheet, its name is changed to AGG(Minimum Sales), which indicates that it cannot be aggregated any further, since it is already aggregated down to the lowest level of detail (the smallest sales value for all records).

This example shows the minimum sales per category.

A table displaying categories and their associated values.

When subcategory is brought into the view, the minimum sales for each subcategory are shown.

A table displaying the quantity of items within different categories and subcategories.

See Also

Functions in Tableau

Tableau Functions (Alphabetical)

Tableau Functions (by Category)

Formatting Calculations in Tableau