Refresh Published Extracts from Tableau Desktop

You can send updates to published extracts from Tableau Desktop. This option is best for refreshing extracts of data you maintain on your local network.

  1. In Tableau Desktop, connect to the data source that is published to Tableau Cloud or open a workbook that connects to it.

    To connect to the server, use the address

    In the Data pane, a data source published to a Tableau server shows a Tableau icon next to its name.

    Sample Superstore data source on server.

  2. Select Data > Tableau Data Server, and then choose one of the following options:

    • Refresh from Source

      Refreshes the extract (full or incremental) using the data in the original data source.

      This command is available only for extracts that include a connection to the original data source. If you connected directly to a extract file and then published it, the connection to the original data source is not included.

    • Append Data from Data Source

      Updates the extract from another data source in the workbook.

    • Append Data from File

      Updates the extract from the contents of a file if the original data source type of the extract is the same file-based data source or extract file.

Note: If you do not see the Tableau Data Server option, your data source may not be published to Tableau Cloud (in which case it will not show the icon above). If you see the Tableau Data Server option, but refresh commands are unavailable, the data source exists on the server, but it is not an extract. For example, it is a live connection to data hosted on the internet.

See also

Topics in the Extracting Data(Link opens in a new window) section in the Tableau Help.