Add Projects and Move Content Into Them

Tableau content (such as workbooks or data sources) must be in a project. Starting in Tableau Server 2022.3 and Tableau Cloud October 2022, if Data Management is licensed and Catalog is enabled, external assets (such as databases and tables) can also be in projects. Server and site administrators can add or remove top-level projects on a site, and move published content from one project to another. Project leaders with appropriate site roles can add or remove child projects and move content between projects on which they have Project Leader access.

This article contains the steps for creating and moving projects. We recommend becoming familiar with the following related content as well:

Add a top-level or child (nested) project

  1. While you’re signed in to Tableau Cloud as an administrator or project leader, select Explore, and then do one of the following:

    • Select NewProject to create a new top-level project (only administrators can do this).

    • Navigate to and open the project in which you want to create a sub-project, and then select NewProject. If you’re not sure where to find the child project, select All Projects from the drop-down menu next to Explore, or use the filters in the upper right.

  2. Enter a name and description for the project, and then click Create.

    New project dialog with fields for a project name and description.

    You can include formatting and hyperlinks in the project description. Select Show formatting hints for syntax. You can also Add a Project Image.

    When entering a project description, include a space between capital letters and parentheses to display content inside them, such as "PROJECT (a)". Omitting this space will cause display issues in the project description.

    Note: To edit a project description later, select it to open it, select the information icon next to its name, and then click Edit.

Use the project tree to navigate projects

By default, the Explore pane in Tableau Cloud displays a project tree to help you easily navigate your projects. You can use the project tree to find sub-projects within a project folder. You can also use the project tree to search for projects.

The project tree on the explore pane in Tableau Cloud.

You can hide and unhide the project tree by clicking the project tree icon located on the Explore pane.

The project tree icon on the explore pane in Tableau Cloud.

Note: If you decrease the size of your browser window, the project tree may be hidden. To see the project tree again, increase the size of your browser window.

Move an asset to another project

  1. In the Explore section, find the asset you want to move. You can use the filters in the upper right to search, or you can navigate through the project hierarchy.

  2. On the workbook’s Actions() menu, select Move.

  3. Select the new project for the workbook, and then click Move Content.

    Moving a project includes moving everything in it, including child projects and their assets.

How moving projects affect permissions

When you move a project, Project Leader permissions adapt to the new project environment.

  • When the target project hierarchy is Locked, previous Project Leader permissions are removed, and new Project Leader permissions are granted according to those set at the top-level of the target hierarchy.

  • When the target project hierarchy is Customizable, previous implicitly granted Project Leader permissions are removed, explicitly set Project Leader permissions are retained, and new Project Leader permissions are granted according to those set at the top-level of the target hierarchy.

When you move a project and assets, permissions may be impacted. For more information, see Permissions.

Delete a project

When you delete a project, all of the Tableau content in the project is also deleted. If you want to delete a project but not its content, move the content to another project, and then delete the project.

External assets, such as databases and tables, are not deleted, but are moved to the External Assets Default Project. (In Tableau Server 2022.3 and earlier, the assets can be found in External Assets.)


  • You cannot undo deleting a project.

  • Deleting a project deletes all Tableau content in it, including child projects and their content, but not external assets.

  • You cannot delete the Default project or the External Assets Default Project.

To delete a project:

  1. In the Explore section, find the project you want to remove. If you’re not sure where to find the project, select All Projects from the drop-down menu next to Explore, or use the filters in the upper right.

  2. On the project’s Actions () menu, select Delete.

  3. Confirm that you want to delete the project.

Requirements for moving assets

Moving an asset is effectively like removing it from one project and publishing it to another. For non-administrators, the permissions needed on the source project are different from those needed on the destination project.

Required site role

To move assets, users must have one of the following site roles:

  • Server Administrator (Tableau Server only)

  • Site Administrator Creator or Site Administrator Explorer

  • Creator or Explorer (can publish)

Users with a Server Administrator or Site Administrator site role do not need any additional capabilities.

Required permissions for the project that users move content to

Non-administrators must have the Publish permission capability for the destination project.

Required permissions for the project that users move content from

Non-administrator users must

  • Be the project owner, project leader, or content owner for the original project


  • Have the Move permission capability for the content (or, for data sources, be the data source owner). When moving a database with its tables, the user must have the Move capability for both the database and its tables.

For more information on moving assets, see Move content.