Configure the Identity Provider for OpenID Connect

This topic provides information about configuring an identity provider (IdP) to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) with Tableau Cloud or Tableau Cloud Manager (TCM). This is one step in a multi-step process. The following topics provide information about configuring and using OIDC with Tableau.

  1. OpenID Connect Overview

  2. Configure the Identity Provider for OpenID Connect (you are here)

  3. Configure Tableau Cloud or TCM for OpenID Connect

Before you can use OpenID Connect with Tableau Cloud and TCM, you must have an account with an identity provider (IdP) and a project or application with the IdP. When you configure Tableau Cloud and TCM, you will need to be able to provide the following information:

  • Client ID: This is the identifier that the IdP assigned to your application.

  • Client secret: This is a token that is used by Tableau to verify the authenticity of the response from the IdP. This value is a secret and should be kept securely.

  • Configuration URL: This is the URL at the provider's site that Tableau Cloud and TCM should send authentication requests to.

Redirect URL

Some IdPs will require a redirect URL for Tableau Cloud site or TCM tenant.

Signing algorithm

Tableau Cloud supports RS256 (RSA using SHA-256).