Customize Your Tableau Data Story: Functions

Important changes for Tableau Data Stories

Tableau Data Stories were retired in Tableau Desktop, Tableau Cloud, and Tableau Server in January of 2025 (2025.1). With advances in natural language technologies, we're developing an improved interface that will make it easier to ask questions of your data and stay on top of changes. For more information, see How Tableau Pulse powered by Tableau AI is Reimagining the Data Experience(Link opens in a new window).

If you’d like to customize your Tableau Data Story with a function, it helps to know what functions you can use, what each function does, and what dimensions and measures you’ll need for each function.

Learn how to Add functions to your Data Story.

Click a letter to see functions that begin with that letter. If no functions start with that letter, the functions that start with the next letter in the alphabet are shown. You can also press Ctrl+F (Command-F on a Mac) to open a search box that you can use to search the page for a specific function.

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Description: The average value of the given measure.

Syntax: Average(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The number of dimension values within a given dimension.

Syntax: Count(dimension)


Description: The difference in measure values between the two provided dimension values.

Syntax: Difference(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, secondDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The difference between the mean and the measure value for the given dimension value.

Syntax: DifferenceFromMean(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue)


Description: Language describing the direction (e.g., increase or decrease) between measure values for the two provided dimension values.

Syntax: Direction(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, secondDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue, phrase)

Ending Label

Description: The name of the last period in the series.

Syntax: Label(measure)


Description: The value at the last period in the series for the given measure.

Syntax: EndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The label for the given measure.

Syntax: Label(measure)


Description: The value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangeDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the ending period for the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangeEndingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The ending value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangeEndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent change of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangePercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the starting period for the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangeStartingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The starting value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativeChangeStartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangeDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the ending period for the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangeEndingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The ending value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangeEndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent change of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangePercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the starting period for the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangeStartingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The starting value of the largest negative period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestNegativePercentChangeStartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangeDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the ending period for the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangeEndingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The ending value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangeEndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent change of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangePercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the starting period for the largest positive period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangeStartingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The starting value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on an absolute basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositiveChangeStartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangeDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the ending period for the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangeEndingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The ending value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangeEndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent change of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangePercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the starting period for the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangeStartingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The starting value of the largest positive period-over-period difference, on a percentage basis, in the given series.

Syntax: LargestPositivePercentChangeStartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The difference over the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The direction (positive or negative) of the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakDirection(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the ending period for the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakEndingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The ending value of the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakEndingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The largest number of periods of consecutive increase or decrease for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakLength(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent difference over the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakPercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the starting period for the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakStartingLabel(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The starting value of the longest streak of consecutive increases or decreases for the given series.

Syntax: LongestStreakStartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the entity with the maximum value for the given measure.

Syntax: MaxLabel(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The maximum value for the given measure.

Syntax: MaxValue(measure)


Description: The median value for the given measure.

Syntax: Median(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the entity with the minimum value for the given measure. Syntax: MinLabel(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The minimum value for the given measure.

Syntax: MinValue(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent difference in measure values between the two provided dimension values.

Syntax: PercentDifference(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, secondDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent in measure values for a given dimension value over the total measure values for that dimension.

Syntax: PercentOfWhole(dimension, measure, dimensionvalue, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the nth period in the series, starting at 1.

Syntax: PeriodLabel(index)


Description: The name of the nth period in the series, starting at the newest and counting back.

Syntax: PeriodLabelNewest(index)


Description: The value of the given measure at the nth period in the series, starting at 1.

Syntax: PeriodValue(measure, index, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the given measure at the nth period in the series, starting at the newest and counting back.

Syntax: PeriodValueNewest(measure, index)


Description: The difference between the maximum and minimum values for the given measure.

Syntax: Range(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The entity name of the given measure sorted in descending order at the given rank (starting at 1).

Syntax: SortAscendingLabel(measure, rank, dimension, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the given measure sorted in ascending order at the given rank (starting at 1).

Syntax: SortAscendingValue(measure, rank, dimension, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The entity name of the given measure sorted in descending order at the given rank (starting at 1).

Syntax: SortDescendingLabel(measure, rank, dimension, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The value of the given measure sorted in descending order at the given rank (starting at 1).

Syntax: SortDescendingValue(measure, rank, dimension, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The name of the first period in the series.

Syntax: StartingLabel()


Description: The value at the first period in the series for the given measure.

Syntax: StartingValue(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The difference between the values for the first and last periods in the given series.

Syntax: StartToFinishDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The percent difference between the values for the first and last periods in the given series.

Syntax: StartToFinishPercentDifference(measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The standard deviation value for the given measure.

Syntax: StdDev(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The sum of measure values for the two provided dimension values.

Syntax: Sum(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, secondDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The sum total value for the given measure.

Syntax: Total(dimension, measure, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The metric value for a given dimension, measure, and dimension value.

Syntax: Value(dimension, measure, dimension value, filterDimensionValue)


Description: The z-score for the given measure.

Syntax: Z-Score(dimension, measure, firstDimensionValue, filterDimensionValue)