Site Content Data Source

The Site Content data source provides essential governance information about the projects, data sources, flows, workbooks, and views on a site. The data provided about a content item may be unique to its item type. Item types with unique fields are in folders with titles that correspond to their Item Type.

Starting in December 2023, the Site Content data source includes Tableau Pulse information for your site. You can find the fields dedicated to Tableau Pulse within the "Metric" folder while creating views.

Note: Users that connect to the Site Content data source see data about all content items on the site, regardless of the permissions set for each item. Keep this in mind if you plan to distribute to non-administrative users.

Create custom views

If you're a site admin or someone who has been granted access to the Admin Insights project, you can access the Admin Insights data sources directly from Tableau Cloud using Web Authoring or through Tableau Desktop to build custom views. For more information about connecting to Admin Insights data sources, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Example: What percent of site published data sources are certified?

Use the following steps to create a view that displays the percentage of certified published data sources on the site.

  1. Connect to the Site Content data source.

  2. From the Data pane, drag Migrated Data (Count) to the Columns shelf.

  3. From the Data pane, drag Data Source Content Type to the Filters shelf, clear the All checkbox, and select the Published checkbox.

  4. From the Data pane, drag Data Source Certified to Color on the Marks card.

  5. Right-click the CNT (Migrated Data) field in the Columns shelf and select Quick Table Calculation > Percent of Total.

Do more with your data

Using Tableau Prep, you can join Site Content with other Admin Insights data sources on the following fields to get more visibility into your site. If you're analyzing data from multiple Tableau Cloud sites, you must also join on "Site LUID = Site LUID".

  • Join Site Content to TS Events on “Item ID = Item ID” and “Item Type = Item Type”

  • Join Site Content to TS Users on “Owner Email = User Email” or “Owner Email = Item Parent Project Owner Email"

For more information, see Aggregate, Join, or Union Data(Link opens in a new window) in Tableau Prep Help.

Data schema

The following table lists the fields included in the Site Content data source. Each row of data corresponds to a unique content item, with Item LUID as the unique identifier for content in a Tableau Cloud site.

Folder Field Name Type Description
Data Source Data Source Content Type String Indicates if the Data Source is Published or Embedded. Will be NULL for any Items that are not Data Sources.
Data Source Database Type String Type of database connection (i.e. mysql, postgres, sqlproxy, etc.). Will be NULL for any Items that are not Data Sources.
Data Source Is Certified Boolean Whether or not the Data Source is a Certified Data Source. Will be NULL for any Items that are not Data Sources.
Dates Created At Date-time Date and time the item was created, in UTC.
Created At (Local) Date-time Date and time the item was created, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Extracts Incremented At Date-time Date and time the data source was incrementally refreshed, in UTC. For incremental refreshes only.
Extracts Incremented At (Local) Date-time Date and time the data source was incrementally refreshed, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
Extracts Refreshed At Date-time Date and time the data source was last refreshed, in UTC. For full extract refreshes only.
Extracts Refreshed At (Local) Date-time Date and time the data source was last refreshed, adjusted by the Timezone parameter.
First Published At Date-time Date and time the item was first published, in UTC.
First Published At (Local) Date-time Date and time the item was first published, adjusted by the Timezone parameter you've set.
Last Accessed At Date-time Date and time the item was last accessed, either by accessing a View or connecting to a Data Source, in UTC.
Last Accessed At (Local) Date-time Date and time the item was last accessed, either by accessing a View or connecting to a Data Source, adjusted by the Timezone parameter you've set.
Last Published At Date-time Date and time the item was last published, in UTC.
Last Published At (Local) Date-time Date and time the item was last published, adjusted by the Timezone parameter you've set.
Updated At Date-time Date and time the item was last updated, in UTC.
Updated At (Local) Date-time Date and time the item was last updated, adjusted by the Timezone parameter you've set.
Hyperlinks Item Hyperlink String Full URL of the item on the site. (Useful for creating hyperlinks to the item).
Site Hyperlink String The root URL of the Tableau Cloud site
Item Description String The text description of the item. Will be NULL for View items.
Has Incremental Extract Boolean Whether or not it is possible to perform an incremental extract for this Workbook or Data Source.
Has Refresh Scheduled Boolean Whether or not the Workbook or Data Source has extracts being refreshed on a schedule.
Has Refreshable Extract Boolean

Whether or not refreshable extracts are available for the Workbook or Data Source.

(For example: .hyper files published via REST API are not refreshable from Tableau Cloud, so those extracts would be labeled False)

Is Data Extract Boolean Whether or not the Workbook or Data Source contains an Extract.
Item ID Number The ID of the item. The ID is unique within each Item Type and Site.
Item LUID String The LUID of the item. The LUID is unique within each item type and site. Primarily used to reference content via the REST API.
Item Name String Display name of the item
Item Parent Project ID Number Item ID of the parent project that contains the item, such as a workbook or data source. The Item ID of this item's Parent Project. (Ex: The Item ID of the Project a Workbook resides in.)
Item Parent Project Level String The Project Level of this item's Parent Project. (Ex: The Project Level of the Project a Workbook resides in.)
Item Parent Project Name String The name of the item’s parent project. For example, the item name of the project a workbook resides in.
Item Parent Project Owner Email String The email address of the parent project owner
Item Revision Number The revision number of the item
Item Type String The type of item that this content is. Either a Data Source, Flow, Project, View or Workbook.
Owner Email String Email address of the item owner
Top Parent Project Name String

The name of the item's top parent project. For example, the item name of the project at project Level 0 of this item's project hierarchy. Will be NULL for top-level projects.

- Size (bytes) Number The size of the item in bytes (÷1,000,000,000 for GB)
Size (MB) Number The size of the item in MB (÷1,000 for GB)
Total Size (bytes) Number The total size of the item in bytes (÷1,000,000,000 for GB)
Total Size (MB) Number The total size of the item in MB (÷1,000 for GB)
Metric Adjustable Filter Options String The fields added as adjustable filter options to a metric definition, or the filter options selected on a metric.
Has Definition Filters String Whether or not there are definition filters applied.
Metric Definition Aggregation String The aggregation for the measure being tracked.
Metric Definition Data Source ID String The data source that the metric definition is connected to
Metric Definition ID for Related Metric String The definition that the metric is related to
Metric Definition Number Format String The format for the metric value
Metric Time Granularity String The level of detail that the data is aggregated at
Project Controlled Permissions Enabled Boolean The asset permissions setting for projects. When true, project permissions are locked, and assets inherit project permission rules.
Controlling Permissions Project LUID String The LUID of the project that controls permissions for the nested project
Controlling Permissions Project Name String The name of the project that controls permissions for the nested project
Nested Projects Permissions Enabled Boolean The asset permissions setting for nested projects. When true, nested project permissions are locked, and assets inherit permission rules from the parent project.
Project Level Number The level of the project within its hierarchy. The value increments by 1 for each level: 0 = Top-level project, 1 = A project whose parent is a top-level project, 2 = A project whose parent's parent is a top-level project, and so on. The value is NULL for any items that are not projects.
Site Site LUID String LUID of the site associated with the user. Primarily used for referencing a site in the REST API.
Site Name String The name of the Tableau Cloud site
- Storage Quota (bytes) Number The storage capacity of the Tableau Cloud site in bytes.
View View Title String The title of the view. The value is NULL for items that are not views.
View Type String The type of view. Either a story, dashboard, or sheet. The value is NULL for items that are not views.
View Workbook ID Number ID of the parent workbook of the view. Primarily used for hyperlinks and the REST API. The value is NULL for items that are not views.
View Workbook Name String Display name of the parent workbook of the view. The value is NULL for items that are not views.
Workbook Workbook Shows Sheets As Tabs Boolean Whether or not the sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs. The value is NULL for items that are not workbooks.
- Admin Insights Published At Date-time Date and time the Admin Insights data source was last published in UTC
Timezone String Specifies the timezone for displaying dates. This field represents an integer value used to determine the number of hours to offset from UTC. It doesn't account for Daylight Saving Time adjustments.