Bridge Extracts

The Bridge Extracts admin view captures the last 30-days' worth of refresh activity by Tableau Bridge.

A line chart displays extract refreshes over time, accompanied by a second chart depicting the number of extract failures by reason.

This pre-built admin view can help answer the following questions the site admin might have about refreshes performed by one or all of the Bridge clients registered to the site:

  • Error rate: How often are refreshes succeeding and failing? If refreshes are failing, why?
  • Requests made: How many refreshes are scheduled?
  • Time-elapsed: How long are refreshes taking?
  • Saturation: How busy is each client?

You can filter the view by the client name, when the extract data source was created, the extract data source name, and the duration of the refresh.

Notes about this view

  • If you don't see any data in the admin view, verify that you have a Bridge client associated with your site. Alternatively, change the value for the "Extract created" filter in the upper-right corner of the view.
  • If you don't see the duration-based data that you expect in the view, clear the "Avg. Duration of refresh (seconds)" filter by clicking the Show All Values (A filter icon with a red X mark.) icon.
  • In the "Common extract refresh failures" table, hover over each bar to see the error and the error details. If there's more than one data source associated with the error, an asterisk (*) shows instead.
  • In some cases, data on the Bridge Tasks for Extracts view is missing or incomplete. This is because the view doesn’t include certain jobs, such as canceled or failed jobs. Use Background Tasks for Extracts to view extract-specific tasks.