Activity Log Site Event Type Reference

This topic describes the Activity Log site event types and attributes. For information about tenant events, see Activity Log Tenant Event Type Reference.

Event type details

The following content describes site event types and attributes in Activity Log. Use the alphabetically sorted list of event types on the right, or ctrl/cmd-f to go directly to keywords you have in mind.

Note: Timestamps for events are recorded in ISO 8601 UTC.

Common attributes

The table contains common attributes for all Activity Log site events. For event-specific attributes, review the individual event tables in this topic.

Attribute Name Type Description
actorUserId integer ID of the user who performed the action that initiated the event
actorUserLuid string LUID of the user who performed the action that initiated the event
eventOutcome string Represents the final outcome of the operation. Possible values are:
  • success: The attempted operation completed successfully.
  • unauthorized: The initiating user wasn't authorized to perform the operation.
  • client_error: The operation failed due to a cause attributable to the client/caller. For example, invalid API request parameters, client connection timeout, or throttling.
  • internal_error: The operation failed due to an unexpected internal error.
eventOutcomeReason string Provides additional details about the event outcome
eventTime string Timestamp when the event occurred
initiatingUserId integer ID of the initiating user. For impersonation, it's the ID of the administrative user who initiated impersonation. For standard login, the value is the same as userId.
initiatingUserLuid string LUID of the initiating user. For impersonation, it's the LUID of the administrative user who initiated impersonation. For standard login, the value is the same as userLuid.
licensingRoleName string Name of the user's licensing role when the event occurred
siteLuid string LUID of the Tableau site where the event occurred
siteRoleId integer The user's site role ID. The value 0 = SiteAdministratorExplorer, 1 = SupportUser, 2 = ExplorerCanPublish, 3 = Explorer, 7 = Guest, 8 = Unlicensed, 9 = Viewer, 10 = Creator, and 11 = SiteAdministratorCreator.
systemAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a system administrator. The value 10 = System Admin and 0 = Not a system admin.


The add_delete_group_to_group_set event is logged when a group is added or deleted from a group set.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupId integer The ID of the group
groupLuid string The LUID of the group
groupSetId integer The ID of the group set
groupSetLuid string The LUID of the group set
groupSetOperation string Group Set operation, either add or delete user to a group set
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The add_delete_user_to_group event is logged when a user is added or removed from a group.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupId integer The ID of the group
groupLuid string The LUID of the group
groupOperation string Group operation, either add or delete user to a group
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
userId integer The ID of the user
userLuid string The LUID of the user


The activity_log_settings_change event occurs when an administrator changes the Activity Log settings.

Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode string Error code generated when altering Activity Log settings
newAwsAccountNumber string New AWS account number where Activity Log events will be received
newKmsKeyArn string New AWS Key Management Service (KMS) single-region key for the Amazon S3 bucket
newS3BucketName string New AWS S3 bucket where Activity Log events will be received
oldAwsAccountNumber string Previous AWS account number where Activity Log events were received
oldKmsKeyArn string Previous AWS Key Management Service (KMS) single-region key for the Amazon S3 bucket
oldS3BucketName string Previous AWS S3 Bucket where Activity Log events were received
operationType string The type of operation, either create, update, or delete.
platform string The platform where changes are recorded, such as Tableau Cloud.
platformVersion string The version of the platform, such as 2024.3.0.


The archive_content event occurs when content is permanently deleted from a site using the recycle bin.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentId integer The ID of the archived content
contentLuid string The LUID of the archived content
contentName string The name of the archived content
contentType string The type of content archived
isError bool Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The background_job event logs information about jobs run as background tasks. For each job, an event is created to record its various states, including initiation time, queueing, start time, and success or failure.

Attribute Name Type Description
args string Arguments of the job
duration long Duration of the job
eventInitiatedTime string Start time of the job
eventState string

State of the job

isRunNow bool

Indicates whether the job was initiated manually, by clicking the “Run Now” option on the site or using REST API, or if it was triggered by a schedule.

Note: Starting in April 2024, jobs triggered by a schedule (False) include data for all attributes listed in the table. Attributes for jobs initiated manually (True) are under active development, and tentatively scheduled for inclusion in a future release.

jobId integer ID of the job
jobLuid string LUID of the job
jobType string

Identifies the background job type associated with the event

Note: Starting in April 2024, only the IncrementExtracts, RefreshExtracts, and RefreshExtractsViaBridge jobs include data for all attributes listed in the table. Attributes for other job types are under active development, and tentatively scheduled for inclusion in a future release.

notes string Notes of the job
objLuid string Some tasks are specific to a particular workbook or data source. In such cases, the object_luid is the primary key of the relevant item, in either the workbooks or data sources tables, as indicated by obj_type.
objName string Name of the associated object. Used in conjunction with obj_luid, as described there.
objOwnerLuid string A foreign key reference to the user who owns the job target object
objOwnerName string Name of the user who owns the job target object
objRepositoryUrl string

Uniquely identifies a workbook or data source and is used when referencing the object in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook or data source name.

objRevision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 with each republication.
objSize integer The number of bytes used in storing the job target object information
objType string Either a workbook or data source. Used in conjunction with obj_luid.
podName string Name of the Tableau pod that handled the job
projectLuid string A foreign key reference to the project in which the job target object exists
projectName string Name of the project that contains the job target object
projectOwnerEmail string Email address of the user who owns the project containing the job target object
projectOwnerLuid string A foreign key reference to the user who owns the project containing the job target object
scheduleLuid string Schedule LUID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started
scheduleName sring Schedule name of the task; may be null if the job was manually started
siteId integer ID of the site
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
taskId integer ID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started.
taskLuid string LUID of the task; may be null if the job was manually started.
timeZone integer Time zone of the job


The bridge_client_register event occurs when registering a Tableau Bridge event.

Attribute Name Type Description
agentName string Name of the Bridge client associated with the event
deviceId string Device ID generated by the Bridge client
poolId string ID of the pool assigned to the Bridge client
siteId string ID of the site the Bridge client is registered to
timeZoneId string Time zone from which the Bridge client is registered
userName string Name of the user who registered the Bridge client


The content_owner_change event is logged when the content owner changes.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the owner changed
contentLuid string LUID of the content that had the owner changed
contentName string Name of the content that had the owner changed
contentType string The type of content, such as data source, workbook, or view
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
newOwnerId integer The ID of the new content owner
newOwnerLuid string The LUID of the new content owner
oldOwnerId integer The ID of the old content owner
oldOwnerLuid string The LUID of the old content owner


The create_datasource_connection event occurs when an administrator creates a data source using an existing private connection.

Attribute Name Type Description
database string The type of database for which the connection is being made, such as Amazon Athena, Snowflake, or other databases.
datasource string The data source or hostname of the connection being made
ipAddress string The IP address of the machine that initiated the request
privateConnectionId string The ID of the private connection that the data source connection is using
privateConnectionName string The name of the private connection that the data source connection is using
siteId string The ID of the site where the data source connection is created
tenantId string The ID of the tenant for which the underlying private connection was created
userAgent string The client software used by the actorUser to make the change


The create_delete_group event is logged when a group is created or deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupDomain string The domain of the group, such as local
groupId integer The ID of the group
groupLuid string The The LUID of the group
groupName string The name of the group that had its permissions changed
groupOperation string Group operation, either create or delete
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The create_delete_group_set event is logged when a group set is created or deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupSetId integer The ID of the group set
groupSetLuid string The LUID of the group set
groupSetName string The name of the group set that is created or deleted
groupSetOperation string Group Set operation, either create or delete
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The create_permissions event is logged when a new explicit permission rule is created.

Note: Deprecated in October 2024. Use the set_permissions event instead.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityId integer The ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download, or delete
capabilityValue string Description of the capability
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuid string The LUID of the content item
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValue string The updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_all_permissions event is logged when all explicit permission rules for content are deleted, typically when content is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuid string The LUID of the content
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions updated
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_datasource_connection event occurs when an existing data source connection is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
datasource string The data source or hostname of the connection being deleted
ipAddress string The IP address of the machine that initiated the request
userAgent string The client software used by the actorUser to make the change


The delete_permissions event is logged when an explicit permission rule is deleted on content.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityId integer The ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download, or delete
capabilityValue string Description of the capability
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuid string The LUID of the content
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValue string The updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The delete_permissions_grantee event is logged when all explicit permission rules for a user are deleted, typically when the user is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The display_sheet_tabs event is logged when the "Tabbed Views" value is updated on a workbook.

Attribute Name Type Description
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
workbookId integer The ID of the workbook


The hist_access_authoring_view event is logged when a user authors view.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_access_datasource event is logged when a user accesses a data source.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_access_datasource_remotely event is logged when a user accesses a data source from Tableau Bridge.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_access_metric event is logged when users interact with metrics on the site.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string Unique ID of the custom view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the metric
projectName string Name of the project that contains the metric
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string Unique ID of the view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_access_summary_data event is logged when users access the Summary Data window.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer The version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

sheetName string Name of the sheet for which data was accessed
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views that are associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_access_underlying_data event is logged when users access the Underlying Data window.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer The version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if this workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

sheetName string Name of the sheet for which data was accessed
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views that are associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_access_view event is logged when users access a view.

Attribute Name Type Description
actorExternalId string The external ID for the acting user. This is an opaque identifier dependent on the actor type, but could, for example, be a user email. Can also show the identifier of a user accessing content through on-demand access.
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_activate_site event is logged when a Tableau site is activated.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_add_user_to_group event is logged when a user is added to a group.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupLuid string Unique ID of the group
name string Name of the group
siteName string Name of the site
userLuid string LUID of the user added to the group
userName string Name of the user added to the group


The hist_append_to_datasource_extract event is logged when data is added to a data extract.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_bulk_delete_columns event is logged when columns are deleted from a data source.

Attribute Name Type Description
columnLuid string Unique ID of the column
description string Description of the published column
name string Name of the published column
ownerLuid string User LUID of the column owner
ownerName string The name of the column owner
projectLuid string

LUID of the project that contains the column

projectName string Name of the project that contains the column
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_change_collection_ownership event is logged when the collection owner is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
collectionLuid string Unique ID of the collection
description string Description of the collection
name string Name of the collection
newOwnerLuid string The LUID of the new collection owner
newOwnerName string The name of the new collection owner
oldOwnerLuid string The LUID of the previous collection owner
oldOwnerName string The name of previous collection owner
ownerLuid string User LUID of the collection owner
ownerName string Name of the collection owner
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_change_data_role_ownership event is logged when data role ownership is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique ID of the data role
description string Description of the data role
name string Name of the data role
newOwnerLuid string The LUID of the new data role owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new data role owner
oldOwnerLuid string The LUID of the previous data role owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous data role owner
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_change_database_contact event is logged when changing the database contact.

Attribute Name Type Description
databaseLuid string Unique ID of the database
description string Description of the database
name string Name of the database
newContactLuid string LUID of the new contact
newContactName string Name of the new contact
oldContactLuid string LUID of the previous contact
oldContactName string Name of the previous contact
ownerLuid string User LUID of the database owner
ownerName string Name of the database owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the database
projectName string Name of the project that contains the database
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_change_datasource_ownership event is logged when changing the data source owner.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new data source owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new data source owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous data source owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous data source owner
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_change_flow_ownership event is logged when changing the flow owner.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new flow owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new flow owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous flow owner
oldOwnerName string Name of previous flow owner
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_change_metric_ownership event is logged when changing the metric owner.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string Unique ID of the custom view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new metric owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new metric owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous metric owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous metric owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the metric
projectName string Name of the project that contains the metric
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string Unique ID of the view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_change_project_ownership event is logged when project ownership is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the project
name string Name of the project
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new project owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new project owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous project owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous project owner
ownerLuid string LUID of the project owner
ownerName string Name of the project owner
parentProjectLuid string LUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state string State of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_change_published_connection_ownership event is logged when published connection ownership is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
activated boolean Indicates whether the published connection is available for use
description string Description of the published connection
name string Name of the published connection
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new published connection owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new published connection owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous published connection owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous published connection owner
ownerLuid string LUID of the published connection owner
ownerName string Name of the published connection owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the published connection
projectName string Name of the project that contains the published connection
publishedConnectionLuid string Unique ID of the published connection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The legacy change site extract encryption mode event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_change_table_contact event is logged when the table contact is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the table
name string Name of the table
newContactLuid string LUID of the new contact
newContactName string Name of the new contact
oldContactLuid string LUID of the previous contact
oldContactName string Name of the previous contact
ownerLuid string User LUID of the table owner
ownerName string Name of the table owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the table
projectName string Name of the project that contains the table
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
tableLuid string Unique ID of the table


The hist_change_workbook_ownership event is logged when workbook ownership is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer The version of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if this workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string

Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred

extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
newOwnerLuid string LUID of the new project owner
newOwnerName string Name of the new project owner
oldOwnerLuid string LUID of the previous project owner
oldOwnerName string Name of the previous project owner
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the workbook owner
projectLuid string

Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.

projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string

The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.

siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_collection event is logged when a user creates a collection.

Attribute Name Type Description
collectionLuid string Unique ID of the collection
description string Description of the collection
name string Name of the collection
ownerLuid string User LUID of the collection owner
ownerName string Name of the collection owner
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_create_column event is logged when a user creates a column.

Attribute Name Type Description
columnLuid string Unique ID of the column
description string Description of the column
name string Name of the column
ownerLuid string User LUID of the column owner
ownerName string Name of the column owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the column
projectName string Name of the project that contains the column
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_create_data_quality_indicator event is logged when users create data quality warnings.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataQualityIndicatorLuid string Unique ID of the data quality indicator
dataQualityType string The type of data quality indicator Either warning, deprecated, stale data, under maintenance, sensitive data, or a custom value.
isActive boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSevere boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
message string Message of data quality indicator
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userDisplayName string Display name of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuid string LUID of user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_create_database event is logged when a user creates a database.

Attribute Name Type Description
databaseLuid string Unique ID of the database
description string Description of the database
name string Name of the database
ownerLuid string User LUID of the database owner
ownerName string Name of the database owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the database
projectName string Name of the project that contains the database
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_create_datasource_extracts event is logged when a new data source extract is created.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
details string Message that includes details about the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_create_datasource_task event is logged when a new data source task is created.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If the task is inactive, it will not run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Task title. Provides additional information about the task.
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_create_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be created.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_create_flow_task event is logged when a new flow task is created.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If the task is inactive, it will not run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Task title. Provides additional information about the task.
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_create_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to be created.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_create_group event is logged when creating a group.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupLuid string Unique ID of the group
name string Name of the group
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_create_linked_task event is logged when creating linked tasks that run sequentially.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string

Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.

objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Task title. Provides additional information about the task.
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_create_materialized_views event logs the successful creation of materialized views on a workbook.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string Details of the action (why were the materialized views created or deleted).
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventType string The type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt, or Rekey Materialized Views.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_metric event is logged when users create metrics on the site.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the associated project
projectName string Name of the associated project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_create_project event is logged when users create projects on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the project
name string Name of the project
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the project owner
ownerName string Name of the project owner
parentProjectLuid string LUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuid string Unique identifier for the project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state string State of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_create_schedule event is logged when users create schedules on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The legacy create site from historical_events

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_create_subscription_task event is logged when subscription tasks are created.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_create_system_user event is logged when adding a system user.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_create_table event is logged when creating a database table on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the table
name string Name of the table
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the table owner
ownerName string Name of the table owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the table
projectName string Name of the project that contains the table
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
tableLuid string Unique ID of the table


The hist_create_user event is logged when adding a user to the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_create_workbook_extracts event is logged when changes are made to workbooks containing extracts.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_create_workbook_task event is logged for workbook related tasks.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The legacy decrypt datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique ID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy decrypt datasource extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique ID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy decrypt flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
details string A message string
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy decrypt flow draft extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy decrypt flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string Version of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
details string A message string
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The legacy decrypt flow extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string Version of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_decrypt_materialized_views event logs the successful decrypting of materialized views on a workbook.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string Details of the action (why were the materialized views created or deleted).
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventType string The type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt, or Rekey Materialized Views.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy decrypt site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy decrypt workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy decrypt workbook extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_access_token event is logged when a user deltes an access token.

Attribute Name Type Description
siteName string Name of the Tableau site where the access token is deleted.


The hist_delete_collection event is logged when a collection is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
collectionLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the collection
name string Name of the collection
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the collection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_column event is logged when deleting a database column.

Attribute Name Type Description
columnLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the column
name string Name of the column
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user who owns the column
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the column
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the column
projectName string Name of the project that contains the column
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_data_quality_indicator event is logged when a data quality warning is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataQualityIndicatorLuid string Unique identifier
dataQualityType string The type of data quality indicator
isActive boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSevere boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
message string Data quality filter message
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userDisplayName string Name of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuid string Unique ID of the user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_delete_data_role event is logged when deleting a data role.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data role
name string Name of the data role
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_database event is logged when a database is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
databaseLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the database
name string Name of the database
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the database owner
ownerName string Name of the database owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the database
projectName string Name of the project that contains the database
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_datasource event is logged when deleting a data source.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_delete_datasource_task event is logged when a data source related task is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_delete_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_delete_expired_refresh_token event is logged when an expired refresh token is deleted by the Backgrounder process.

Attribute Name Type Description
deviceName string Name of the device associated with the refresh token
refreshTokenGuid string Unique ID of the refresh token
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_flow event is logged when a flow is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_delete_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_delete_flow_task event is logged when deleting flow related tasks.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_delete_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to be deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_delete_group event is logged when a group is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupLuid string Unique ID of the group
name string Name of the group
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_linked_task event is logged when deleting tasks that are linked and scheduled to run serially.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_delete_materialized_views event logs the successful deletion of materialized views on a workbook

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string Details of the action (why were the materialized views created or deleted).
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventType string The type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt, or Rekey Materialized Views.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_metric event is logged when a metric is deleted.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the associated project
projectName string Name of the associated project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_delete_project event is logged when a project is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the project
name string Name of the project
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the project owner
ownerName string Name of the project owner
parentProjectLuid string LUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuid string Unique identifier for the project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state string State of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_delete_refresh_token_session event is logged when a session created by refresh token is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
deviceName string Name of the device associated with the refresh token
refreshTokenGuid string Unique ID of the refresh token
sessionId string ID of the session
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_delete_schedule event is logged when a schedule is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_delete_site event is logged when a site is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_delete_system_user event is logged when a system user is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates whether the user is a site admin. The value 5 = site admin and 0 = not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string The unique identifier of the user


The hist_delete_table event is logged when a table is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the table
name string Name of the table
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the table owner
ownerName string Name of the table owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the table
projectName string Name of the project that contains the table
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
tableLuid string Unique identifier


The hist_delete_user event is logged when a user is deleted from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_delete_user_from_group event is logged when a user is removed from a group.

Attribute Name Type Description
groupLuid string Unique ID of the group
name string Name of the group
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string LUID of the user deleted from the group
userName string The name of the user deleted from the group


The hist_delete_view event is logged when a view is deleted from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_delete_workbook event is logged when a workbook is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_delete_workbook_task event is logged when a workbook related task is deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_disable_linked_task_schedule event is logged when a linked task schedule is turned off.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_disable_schedule event is logged when a schedule is turned off.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_download_datasource event is logged when a data source is downloaded from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_download_flow event is logged when a flow is downloaded from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_download_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is downloaded from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_download_workbook event is logged when downloading a workbook from the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_enable_linked_task_schedule event is logged when a linked task scheduled is turned on.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_enable_schedule event is logged when a schedule is turned on.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The legacy encrypt datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy encrypt datasource extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy encrypt flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
details string A message string
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy encrypt flow draft extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy encrypt flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string Version of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
details string A message string
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The legacy encrypt flow extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string Version of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_encrypt_materialized_views event logs the successful encrypting of materialized views on a workbook.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string Details of the action (why were the materialized views created or deleted).
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventType string The type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt, or Rekey Materialized Views.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy encrypt site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy encrypt workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy encrypt workbook extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_export_summary_data event is logged when summary data is exported from a view.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetName string Name of the sheet for which data was accessed.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_export_underlying_data event is logged when underlying data is exported from a view.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetName string Name of the sheet for which data was accessed.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy Hyper data update job event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string Details of the action (why was the data updated).
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Whether the action succeeded or failed.
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_impersonate_user event logs when a user ID has been impersonated.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_increment_datasource_extract event is logged when a data source extract is incrementally refreshed.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_increment_workbook_extracts event is logged when extracts in a workbook are incrementally refreshed.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_issue_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is issued.

Attribute Name Type Description
refreshTokenGuid string The unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_lock_site event is logged when a site is locked.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_login event is logged when a user signed in to the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
actorExternalId string The external ID for the acting user. This is an opaque identifier dependent on the actor type, but could, for example, be a user email. Can also show the identifier of a user accessing content through on-demand access.
groupNames string The list of group names assigned to the user with on-demand access during sign-in
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_login_with_pat event is logged when a user signed in with a personal access token (PAT).

Attribute Name Type Description
clientId string Used for PATs. The client ID is typically the PAT name displayed in the Tableau UI.
createdAt string The timestamp when the PAT was first created
expiresAt string The timestamp when the PAT expires
lastUsedAt string The timestamp when the PAT was last used
refreshTokenGuid string The unique ID of the PAT
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_logout event is logged when a user logged out of the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_move_data_role event is logged when a data role is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data role
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
name string Name of the data role
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project


The hist_move_database event is logged when a database is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
databaseLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the database
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
name string Name of the database
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the database owner
ownerName string Name of the database owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the database
projectName string Name of the project that contains the database
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project


The hist_move_datasource event is logged when a published data source is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_move_flow event is logged when a flow is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project


The hist_move_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_move_metric event is logged when a metric is moved to a new project.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the associated project
projectName string Name of the associated project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_move_project event is logged when a project is moved.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the project
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
name string Name of the project
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the project owner
ownerName string Name of the project owner
parentProjectLuid string LUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuid string Unique identifier for the project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
state string State of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_move_published_connection event is logged when a published connection is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
activated boolean Whether this published connection was ever made available for consumption
description string Description of the published connection
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
name string Name of the published connection
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user that owns the published connection
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the published connection
projectLuid string The associated project
projectName string The name of the associated project
publishedConnectionLuid string Unique ID of the published connection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project


The hist_move_table event is logged when a table is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the table
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
name string Name of the table
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the table owner
ownerName string Name of the table owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the table
projectName string Name of the project that contains the table
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
tableLuid string Unique identifier


The hist_move_workbook event is logged when a workbook is moved to a new project.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
destinationProjectLuid string Unique ID of the destination project
destinationProjectName string Name of the destination project
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
sourceProjectLuid string Unique ID of the source project
sourceProjectName string Name of the source project
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_pause_datasource_extract_refresh event is logged when a data source extract refresh is paused.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_pause_workbook_extract_refresh event is logged when a workbook extract refresh is paused.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_publish_data_role event is logged when a data role is published.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data role
name string Name of the data role
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_publish_datasource event is logged when a data source is published on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_publish_flow event is logged when a flow is published on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_publish_view event is logged when a view is published on the site.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_publish_workbook event is logged when a workbook is published.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_redeem_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is redeemed.

Attribute Name Type Description
refreshTokenGuid string The unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_refresh_datasource_extract event is logged when a data extract is refreshed.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_refresh_workbook_extracts event is logged when extracts in a workbook are refreshed.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy rekey datasource extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy rekey flow draft extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
details string A message string
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The legacy rekey flow extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string Version of the flow file, increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
details string A message string
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_rekey_materialized_views event logs the successful rekeying of materialized views on a workbook.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string Details of the action (why were the materialized views created or deleted).
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
eventType string The type of the event. Either Create, Delete, Encrypt, Decrypt, or Rekey Materialized Views.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy change rekey site extracts request event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The legacy rekey workbook extracts event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_rename_collection event is logged when a collection is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
collectionLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the collection
formerName string The former name of the collection
name string Name of the collection
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the collection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_data_role event is logged when a data role is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data role
formerName string The former name of the data role
name string Name of the data role
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_datasource event is logged when a data source is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
formerName string The former name of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_rename_flow event is logged when a flow is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
formerName string The former name of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_rename_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
formerName string The former name of the flow draft
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_rename_group event is logged when a group is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
formerName string The former name of the group
groupLuid string Unique ID of the group
name string Name of the group
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_metric event is logged when a metric is renamed.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
formerName string The former name of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the associated project
projectName string Name of the associated project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_rename_published_connection event is logged when a published connection is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
activated boolean Whether this published connection was ever made available for consumption
description string Description of the published connection
formerName string The former name of the published connection
name string Name of the published connection
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user that owns the published connection
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the published connection
projectLuid string The associated project
projectName string The name of the associated project
publishedConnectionLuid string Unique ID of the published connection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_rename_workbook event is logged when a workbook is renamed.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
formerName string The former name of the workbook
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_replace_datasource_extract event is logged when a data extract is replaced.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_revoke_refresh_token event is logged when a refresh token or personal access token (PAT) is revoked.

Attribute Name Type Description
refreshTokenGuid string The unique ID of the refresh token or PAT
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_run_flow event is logged when a flow is run manually.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_run_flow_scheduled event is logged when a flow is run from a schedule.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task


The hist_save_flow event is logged when a flow is saved.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_save_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is saved.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_send_data_driven_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert email or notification is sent successfully.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_failing_data_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert email or notification fails.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_refresh_pre_pause_email_for_content event logs when a refresh pre-pause email is sent.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentLuid string LUID of the content item for which the refresh pre-pause email was sent
contentName string Name of the content item for which the refresh pre-pause email was sent
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
ownerLuid string LUID of the content owner
ownerName string Name of the content owner
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_send_subscription_email_for_view event event is logged when a view subscription email is sent successfully.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
scheduleLuid string The UUID of the schedule. Used in REST API.
scheduleName string Name of the schedule
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_send_subscription_email_for_workbook event is logged when a workbook subscription email is sent successfully.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
scheduleLuid string The UUID of the schedule. Used in REST API.
scheduleName string A schedule can be given a name, which is stored here.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_send_suspended_data_alert_email event is logged when a data-driven alert is suspended.

Attribute Name Type Description
caption string The descriptive phrase constructed for the worksheet based on the workbook definition
description string Description of the view
fields string A list of fields extracted from the workbook .twb file
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp of when the view was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
index integer Each view has an index that is unique among views belonging to that workbook
name string Name of the view
ownerLuid string User LUID of the view owner
ownerName string Name of the view owner
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a view and is used when referencing the view in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the view name.
revision string The revision number of the view. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
sheetId string The ID of the worksheet
sheetType string The type of worksheet. Either a story, dashboard, or view.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
title string The worksheet title from the workbook .twb file
viewLuid string The LUID of the view
workbookLuid string The LUID of the workbook containing the view
workbookName string Name of the workbook containing the view


The hist_suspend_site event is logged when a site is suspended.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_update_collection event is logged when a collection is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
collectionLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the collection
name string Name of the collection
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user who owns the collection
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the collection
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_update_column event is logged when a column is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
columnLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the column
name string Name of the column
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the user who owns the column
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the column
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the column
projectName string Name of the project that contains the column
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_update_data_quality_indicator event is logged when a data quality indicator is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataQualityIndicatorLuid string Unique identifier
dataQualityType string The type of data quality indicator
isActive boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is active or not
isSevere boolean Indicates whether the data quality indicator is severe or not
message string Data quality filter message
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userDisplayName string Name of user who created or modified the data quality indicator
userLuid string Unique ID of the user who created or modified the data quality indicator


The hist_update_data_role event is logged when a data role is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
dataRoleLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data role
name string Name of the data role
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data role owner
ownerName string Name of the data role owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data role
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data role
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_update_database event is logged when a database is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
databaseLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the database
name string Name of the database
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the database owner
ownerName string Name of the database owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the database
projectName string Name of the project that contains the database
siteName string Name of the Tableau site


The hist_update_datasource event is logged when a data source is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_update_datasource_task event is logged when data source related tasks are updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_update_datasource_trigger event specifies what caused the data source to be updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string LUID of the data source
description string Description of the data source
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string User LUID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string LUID of the project containing the data source
projectName string Name of the project where the data source was published
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The hist_update_flow event is logged when a flow is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_update_flow_draft event is logged when a flow draft is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
createdAt string Timestamp when the record was created
flowDraftLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow. The value is Null if the flow draft isn't connected to a published flow.
name string Name of the flow draft
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
ownerName string Name of the flow draft owner. The owner of the flow draft may be different than the flow owner.
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the flow draft
projectName string Name of the project that contains the flow draft
publishedAt string Timestamp when the flow draft was last published
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size long Size of the flow draft in bytes
updatedAt string Timestamp when the record was last updated


The hist_update_flow_task event is logged when a flow update task is run.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_update_flow_trigger event specifies what caused the flow to update.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion string The version of the flow file. Increments by 1 on each publish.
description string Description of the flow
flowLuid string Unique ID of the flow
name string Name of the flow
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the flow in bytes


The hist_update_linked_task event is logged when a linked update task is run.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_update_metric event is logged when a metric is updated.

Note: Tableau's legacy metrics feature was retired in February 2024. As a result, this event no longer records user interaction with metrics on the site. For more information, see Set Up for Metrics.

Attribute Name Type Description
customizedViewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data
description string Description of the metric
metricLuid string Unique ID of the metric
name string Name of the metric
projectLuid string Unique ID of the associated project
projectName string Name of the associated project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
suspendState integer State of the metric. The value 0 = Not suspended, 1 = Auto-suspended, and 3 = Manually suspended.
viewLuid string The view from which the metric queries its data


The hist_update_project event is logged when a project is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the project
name string Name of the project
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the project owner
ownerName string Name of the project owner
parentProjectLuid string LUID of the parent project. The value is Null for top-level projects.
projectLuid string Unique identifier for the project
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state string State of the project. The default value is active. Any other value indicates the project is inactive.


The hist_update_schedule event is logged when a scheduled is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the schedule is active or not. If set to False, no tasks will run when the schedule is triggered.
dayOfMonthMask integer Indicates which day of the month the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the month correspond to 1st = 1, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 100, 4th = 1000, 5th = 10000, etc.
dayOfWeekMask integer Indicates which day of the week the schedule will run. The information is encoded in the given integer. To interpret it, convert the integer to binary. The days of the week correspond to Sunday = 1, Monday = 10, Tuesday = 100, Wednesday = 1000, Thursday = 10000, Friday = 100000, and Saturday = 1000000.
endAtMinute integer The minute after the specified schedule_type period begins, indicating when the schedule should stop triggering.
endScheduleAt string Timestamp when the schedule should stop triggering
isSerial boolean Indicates whether the schedule is run serially or not
minuteInterval integer Once triggered, the schedule will repeat at this interval until it ends as per the schedule_type, end_at_minute, or end_schedule_at.
name string Name of the schedule
priority integer Priority ranges from 1 to 100, with lower values corresponding to a higher priority.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the schedule
scheduleType integer The type of schedule. The value 0 = Hourly, 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, and 3 = Monthly.
scheduledAction integer Category of the scheduled action. The value 0 = Extracts and 1 = Subscriptions.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
startAtMinute integer The minute after the scheduled start time per the schedule_type. For example, in a daily schedule, it's minutes past midnight; for hourly, it's minutes past the hour.


The hist_update_site event is logged when a site is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
name string Name of the Tableau site
siteEventLuid string Unique ID of the site affected by the event
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
urlNamespace string Used in the construction of URLs that target the site


The hist_update_system_user_email event is logged when a system user's email is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
formerEmail string The former Email address of the user.
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_force_password_update event logs a successful invocation that forces a password update.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_image event is logged when a system user updates their profile image.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_name event is logged when a system user updates their name.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
formerName string The former friendly name of the user.
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_password event is logged when a system user updates their password.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_system_user_reset_login_rate_limiting event logs a successful invocation that resets the login rate limiting values

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_table event is logged when a table is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
description string Description of the table
name string Name of the table
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the table owner
ownerName string Name of the table owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the table
projectName string Name of the project that contains the table
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
tableLuid string Unique identifier


The hist_update_task_state event is logged when the state of a task is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The hist_update_user_site_role event is logged when a user's site role is changed.

Attribute Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user
name string Name of the user
siteAdminLevel integer Indicates if the user is a site admin. The value 5 = Site Admin and 0 = Not a site admin.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
userLuid string Unique ID of the user


The hist_update_workbook event is logged when a workbook is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The hist_update_workbook_task event is logged when a workbook update task is run.

Attribute Name Type Description
active boolean Indicates whether the task is active or not. If set to False, the task won't run when the schedule is triggered.
consecutiveFailureCount integer Number of times the task has failed
creatorLuid string User ID of the user who created the task
creatorName string Name of the user who created the task
historicalQueueTime integer Amount of time the task was queued in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical queue times.
historicalRunTime integer Amount of time running after the task was started in seconds. Used to compare the difference in historical run times.
lastSuccessCompletedAt string Timestamp of the last successful task completion
objLuid string Unique ID of the object. Used as the primary key in workbook or data source tables.
objName string Name of the object. Used with objLuid.
objType string The type of object. Either a workbook or data source. Used with objLuid.
priority integer Priority of the task, ranging from 10 (default) to 0 (highest). Jobs with higher priority will be processed earlier.
scheduleLuid string Unique ID of the associated schedule. Tasks will run at the scheduled start time.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
state integer State of the task. The value 0 = Active, 1 = Suspended, and 2 = Disabled.
subtitle string Provides additional information about the task
taskLuid string The UUID of the task. Used in the REST API.
title string Provides additional information about the task
type string The type of task. Either an extract, subscription, flow, encryption, or system.


The legacy upgrade data source extract storage event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy upgrade data source tde extract event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
certificationNote string Reason for the certification status of the data source
datasourceLuid string Unique identifier
description string Description of the data source
details string A message string
isCertified boolean Indicates whether the data source is certified
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
name string Name of the data source
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the data source owner
ownerName string Name of the data source owner
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the data source
projectName string Name of the project that contains the data source
remoteQueryAgentName string Name of the remote query agent used by the data source
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a data source and is used when referencing the data source in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the data source name.
revision string The revision number of the data source. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the data source in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
usingRemoteQueryAgent boolean Indicates whether the data source uses remote query agent


The legacy upgrade workbook extract storage event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The legacy upgrade workbook tde extract event from historical_events.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentVersion integer Version number of the workbook. Increments by 1 on each publish.
dataEngineExtracts boolean Indicates if the workbook has associated data engine extracts
defaultViewIndex integer Indicates which view will be shown by default
details string A message string
displayTabs boolean Indicates whether sheets of the workbook are displayed as tabs or not
documentVersion string Version number of the document description. The description is entered when saving the workbook.
extractsIncrementedAt string Timestamp when the last incremental extract refresh occurred
extractsRefreshedAt string Timestamp when the last extract refresh occurred
firstPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was first published. The value won't change when republishing the workbook containing the view.
incrementableExtracts boolean Indicates whether it's possible to perform an incremental extract refresh
isFailure boolean Indicates whether the action failed or not
isPrivate boolean Indicates whether the workbook is private or not. The value True = Private and Null or False = Not private.
lastPublishedAt string Timestamp when the workbook was last published or saved while web authoring. For workbooks last published before this column existed, the value will be Null.
modifiedByUserLuid string The user who last modified and published the workbook or saved the workbook while web authoring. For workbooks that were last published before this column existed, the value will be the same as owner_id.
name string Name of the workbook
ownerLuid string Unique ID of the workbook owner. Used as a foreign key.
ownerName string Name of the user who owns the workbook
projectLuid string Unique ID of the project that contains the workbook. Used as a foreign key.
projectName string Name of the project that contains the workbook
publishedAllSheets boolean Indicates whether all sheets in the workbook were published. The value True = All sheets published and False = One or more sheets weren't published.
refreshableExtracts boolean Indicates whether extracts in the workbook can be refreshed
repositoryUrl string Uniquely identifies a workbook and is used when referencing the workbook in a URL. The value is derived from the ASCII characters in the workbook name.
revision string The revision number. Starts with 1.0 and increments by 0.1 each time a new version is published.
siteName string Name of the Tableau site
size integer Size of the workbook in bytes
taskLuid string LUID of the associated task
thumbUserLuid string Unique ID of the user for generating the thumbnail image. Null unless specified.
viewCount integer Counts the number of views associated with the workbook
workbookLuid string Unique ID of the workbook


The login_authentication event logs authentication events (including default, SAML, OIDC, and Tab ID + MFA).

Attribute Name Type Description
acceptLanguage string The browser Accept-Language request HTTP header
logRecordType string

The record type associated with the event, either verification or authentication.

loginKey string

Unique login tracking value. Used to associate user activity with the authentication event.

loginType string

The authentication type used to log in, either DEFAULT, SAML, OIDC, or TABID_WITH_MFA.

loginUrl string

URL to which the user sent the login request, including the protocol, hostname, and, if applicable, the site path prefix.

reason string

The failure reason if login is unsuccessful

sourceIp string

Source IP of the login request. Uses XFF(Link opens in a new window) or webRTC to identify the originating IP address of the client.

status string The authentication result, either success or failure.
tenantId string

The ID of the tenant or organization

timestamp string

Timestamp of the event

userAgent string

Name of the agent or browser that initiated login

userId string The ID of the user
userType string The type of user accessing Tableau, either through the user interface or API.
username string Username used for login
uuid string

Unique ID for the request


The metric_subscription_change event is logged when a user adds or removes a subscription to a Pulse metric.

Attribute Name Type Description
actorGroupLuid string Group LUID of the group that followed or unfollowed the metric. If a user changes the scoped metric, the actorGroupLuid value will be empty, and actorUserLuid will be populated instead.
scopedMetricId string The ID of the scoped metric that had a subscription change
subscriptionOperation string Subscription operation, such as 'metric followed' or 'metric unfollowed'


The move_content event is logged when content is moved, for example, moving a workbook between projects.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the owner changed
contentLuid string LUID of the content that had the owner changed
contentName string Name of the content that had the owner changed
contentType string The type of content, such as data source, workbook, or view
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
newContainerLuid string LUID of the new container
newContainerType string The new container type, such as a project
oldContainerLuid string LUID of the previous container
oldContainerType string The previous container type, such as a project


The oauth_settings_change event occurs when the OAuth Clients Registry setting is updated on the General tab.

Attribute Name Type Description
clientId string Client ID registered with the data provider
connectionType string The type of connection
errorCode string Error code generated when altering OAuth settings
openAuthInstanceUrl string OAuth instance URL
openAuthProvider string OAuth provider
operationType string The type of operation, either create or delete.
platform string The platform where changes are recorded, such as Tableau Cloud.
platformVersion string The version of the platform, such as 2024.3.0.
uploadedFile string Name of the file uploaded to change OAuth settings


The platform_settings_change event occurs when security and access configurations are changed on the Settings page.

Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode string Error code generated when altering the configuration setting
ipAddress string The IP address of the machine that initiated the request
isSecretUpdated bool Indicates whether the secret has been updated. The actual secret value isn't recorded. This attribute helps admins track changes in their organization, such as those affecting system functionality or ensuring scheduled secret rotations are carried out properly.
newSettingsValue string New settings value
oldSettingsValue string Previous settings value
platform string The platform where changes are recorded, such as Tableau Cloud.
platformVersion string The version of the platform, such as 2024.3.0.
settingDescription string Description of the setting that is being affected
settingIdentifier string The setting identifier for this feature, such as prep_endpoint_control.
siteName string Name of site where the operation occurred
tenantName string Name of the tenant where the operation occurred
userAgent string The client software used by the actorUser to make the change


The project_lock_unlock event is logged when project permissions are locked or unlocked.

Attribute Name Type Description
controllingProjectLuid string LUID of the project that controls permissions for the nested project
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
projectLuid string LUID of the project
projectOperation string Project operation, either lock or unlock


The restore_content event occurs when content is restored from the recycle bin.

Attribute Name Type Description
contentId integer The ID of the restored content
contentLuid string The LUID of the restored content
contentName string The name of the restored content
contentType string The type of content archived
isError bool Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error


The set_permissions event is logged when an explicit permissions rule is created or updated for a content item.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string

The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as project or workbook

capabilityId integer The ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform a certain action on a particular piece of content, such as view, filter, download or delete.
capabilityValue string Description of the capability
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions set
contentLuid string The LUID of the content item
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions set
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValue string The set permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionType string The permission type, either explicit or unspecified


The site_storage_usage event logs the total storage capacity of the site in bytes, the amount of storage used, and the percentage of the total consumed. Administrators can use this data to proactively monitor storage consumption and take action before reaching the site's storage limit.

Attribute Name Type Description
actorUsername string

Username of the user who performed the action that initiated the event

initiatingUsername string Username of the initiating user
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
totalPercentageStorageQuotaUsed float Total percentage of storage usage
totalStorageQuotaLimit long Total storage capacity in bytes
totalStorageQuotaUsed long Total storage used in bytes


The update_permissions event is logged when an explicit permission rule is updated for a content item.

Note: Deprecated in October 2024. Use the set_permissions event instead.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityId integer The ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download, or delete
capabilityValue string Description of the capability
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuid string The LUID of the content
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValue string The updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionType string The permission type, either explicit or unspecified


The update_permissions_template event is logged when a permission template for a project is updated.

Attribute Name Type Description
authorizableType string The type of content that had its permissions changed, such as a project or workbook
capabilityId integer The ID of the capability. A capability is the ability to perform actions on content, such as view, filter, download, or delete
capabilityValue string Description of the capability
contentId integer The ID of the content that had the permissions updated
contentLuid string The LUID of the content
contentName string The name of the content that had the permissions updated
granteeId integer The ID of the grantee
granteeLuid string The LUID of the grantee
granteeType string The type of grantee, either user or group
granteeValue string The updated permissions value, such as 'user allow' or 'group allow'
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
permissionType string The permission type, either explicit or unspecified
templateType string The type of permission template used to change permissions, such as workbook or data source


The user_create_delete event is logged when a user is created or deleted.

Attribute Name Type Description
forUserName string The name of the user whose account was either created, updated or deleted
isError boolean Indicates if the audit scenario was completed successfully or failed with an error
siteRole string Site role of the user. Determines the maximum level of access a user can have on the site
targetUserId integer The ID of the user whose account was either created, updated, or deleted
targetUserLuid string The LUID of the user whose account was either created, updated, or deleted
userOperation string The action performed on a user, either create, delete, or site role change