Quick Help Overview

Note: This feature is currently available as a pilot for the Virtual Connections feature in Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud.

Delivered in the product, Quick Help shows relevant just-in-time help content based on where you are or what you're doing in Tableau. From conceptual content to step-by-step instructions, Quick Help provides the answers you need without ever having to leave the product.

The virtual connection editor help window showing a conceptual help topic.

To access Quick Help in Tableau:

  • Click the help Question mark icon that opens help content. button on the top right of your screen
  • Click the Help menu on the toolbar

Quick Help opens, showing the help content for your task. Move the window around or re-size it so you can follow along in the product.

When you move to a new area of the page or change pages, simply click the refresh button to refresh the content, or click the related tasks at the bottom of the window to move to a related topic.

The virtual connection editor help window with a list of related task links highlighted.

Click the Home Home icon that opens the home page for in-product help. button to explore all available content options such as Get Started tutorials, training videos and more.

The Quick Help content in this section is the same content that's available in the product. If you don't find what you need in Quick Help when you're in the product or you just want to explore topics in more depth, check out the product help online.

Note: You must have an internet connection to access Quick Help in the product. If you are offline or don't have access to the internet, you can download PDF content for each product help set from the Tableau Help(Link opens in a new window) page.