Troubleshoot Server Sign in Problems

There are several different sign in options between Tableau Services Manager (TSM) and Tableau Server.

  • TSM—If you are not able to sign into TSM, make sure you are using credentials for a user who has administrative rights to the computer where TSM is installed. This user may or may not also be a Tableau Server administrator. This is true whether you are signing in to the Web UI or the CLI. For more information, see Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI.

  • Tableau Server

    • Administrators: if you are signing into Tableau Server as an administrator, you must use credentials for a user who has an administrator role in Tableau Server. You create the initial administrator when you first install Tableau, but can add other users as administrators once Tableau is installed and running. For more information, see Sign in to the Tableau Server Admin Area.

    • Non-administrative users: If you are signing into Tableau Server as a user, you need to be use credentials for a user who has been added to Tableau Server. For more information, see Sign in to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud(Link opens in a new window).

      Note: If users with valid credentials are unable to sign into Tableau Server, make sure you have not added a node without applying pending changes. If you have a pending new node, signing into Tableau Server may not be possible.

Troubleshooting scenarios

TSM Initialize screen does not display

When installing or upgrading Tableau Server, if the browser opens but nothing displays, you may need to add the hostname to the trusted sites list. Alternatively, clear the browser cache or use a different browser. For more information, see the Tableau Knowledge Base(Link opens in a new window).