Uninstall Tableau Server Independent Gateway
This topic walks you through the process of uninstalling Tableau Server Independent Gateway.
Uninstalling Independent Gateway is a two step process:
Disable the Independent Gateway instance in Tableau Server using TSM.
To disable Independent Gateway in Tableau Server, run this command at the command prompt of the initial Tableau Server node:
tsm topology external-services gateway disable
Uninstall the Independent Gateway instance you are upgrading from the computer it is running on.
To uninstall Independent Gateway from a Windows computer, run the Setup program and select Uninstall. When the Setup program finishes Independent Gateway has been uninstalled.
To uninstall an instance of Independent Gateway, remove it from the server cluster using TSM, and then, after Tableau Server is fully reconfigured, uninstall Independent Gateway from the computer where it was installed. When you use TSM to remove the instance from Tableau Server, TSM no longer sends any communication to the Independent Gateway instance, so Independent Gateway is unaware of any configuration changes. but the Independent Gateway continues to respond based on the last known configuration and Tableau Server continues to accept those responses. You also need to remove the Independent Gateway instance from the computer it is running on.