Install Switches and Properties for Tableau Server Independent Gateway

Switch Description Comments
/install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout "<directory>"

Run Setup to either install, repair, or uninstall Tableau Server Independent Gateway, or with /layout, create a complete local copy of the installation bundle in the directory specified.

Default is to install, displaying UI and all prompts. If no directory is specified on a fresh install, C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\ independentgateway is assumed. If TSIG is already installed, Setup will assume the same location as the current installation.

Run Setup with minimal UI and no prompts.

/quiet | /silent

Run Setup in unattended, fully silent mode. No UI or prompts are displayed.

Note: Use either /silent or /quiet, not both.


Run Setup without restarting Windows, even if a restart is necessary.

Note: In certain rare cases, a restart cannot be suppressed, even when this option is used. This is most likely when an earlier system restart was skipped, for example, during installation of other software.

/log "<drive>\<path>\<log-file>.<ext>" Log information to the specified file and path.

Use this switch with a path and log file name to make the log available after installation is complete.

If this switch is used with a log file name but no path, the log file is written to a temporary location and deleted at the end of the installation.

If this switch is used but no log file name is specified, the switch is ignored and the file is written to %TEMP%.

If this switch is not used, the log file is written to %TEMP%.


Properties Description Comments
ACCEPTEULA=1|0 Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). Required for quiet, silent, and passive install on both initial and additional nodes. 1 = true, accept the EULA, 0 = false, do not accept the EULA.

If not included when using /passive, /silent or /quiet, Setup fails silently.

If included but set to 0, Setup fails.

DATADIR="<path\to\data\directory>" Optional. The location where the TSIG software configuration and data are stored. If you don't provide a data directory path and TSIG is being installed to the default location (INSTALLDIR is not specified), the default data directory is used: C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server. If you don't provide a data directory path and INSTALLDIR is specified, DATADIR is also set to the INSTALLDIR location. Example: DATADIR="D:\TableauServerData"
HKPORT="<port>" Port listening for housekeeping requests from the Tableau Server cluster.

Default is 21319.

HKPROTOCOL="<protocol>" Protocol for housekeeping requests.

Options are http or https. Default is http.

INSTALLDIR="<path\to\installation\directory>" Install to the specified non-default install location. Specifies the location to install server. If not used, Tableau Server Independent Gateway is installed to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\independentgateway

Example: <Setup file> /silent INSTALLDIR="D:\Tableau\Tableau Server\independentgateway"

INSTANCEID="<computer_identifier>" A unique identifier for this TSIG instance.

Default is "%COMPUTERNAME%".



Port listening for external requests.

Default is "80".

PROTOCOL="<protocol>" Protocol for external requests. Choices are http or https. Default is http.  
TSCLUSTER="<nodes>" Network location(s) of the Tableau Server nodes from which TSIG housekeeping requests can be received.

These are all nodes with Cluster Controller or Administration Agent, so includes all nodes in the cluster.

This is required. There is no default for this option.

Must be one of the forms acceptable to Apache httpd mod_authz_host "Require" directive ( opens in a new window)).

Examples: "ip", "host".

Use quotes if there are embedded spaces.