Explore Monitoring Data Using Tableau Data Source Files

The Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool includes built-in charts that you can use to monitor and analyze Tableau Server health and performance. The data Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool leverages can be downloaded as Tableau data source (.tds) files for exploration within Tableau Desktop. You can download the .tds files from the Admin menu using the Resource Monitoring Tool web interface. This methods works for both local and external repository configurations.

Admin dropdown menu on Tableau Server.

The following is a list of Tableau data source (.tds) files you can download:

  • Background Tasks: Includes information about scheduled backgrounder tasks like extract refreshes, subscriptions, and flows.
  • Data Queries: Information about all queries executed by Tableau Server.
  • Gateway Requests: HTTP requests handled by Tableau Server including VizQL Server session details.
  • Incidents: Incidents recorded by the Resource Monitoring Tool .
  • Server Performance: Tableau Server hardware and process information that is gathered by the Resource Monitoring Tool.
  • Tableau Entities: Information about the Tableau Server sites, projects, workbooks, and views gathered by the Resource Monitoring Tool.


  • Encryption used is SCRAM-SHA-256 which is supported by Tableau Desktop 2020.4 and later.

Enable access to the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database

The Tableau data source (.tds) file contains a connection to the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database. Before you can connect to a downloaded .tds file, you need to enable access for the readonly user to the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database. Once the readonly user has access, you can then use the readonly username and password to connect to the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgresSQL database from the .tds file in Tableau Desktop.

Resource Monitoring Tool versions 2022.3 and later:

Resource Monitoring Tool with local repository:

  1. On the RMT Server machine, enable access to the Resource Monitoring Tool PosgreSQL database for the readonly user:

    rmtadmin data-access ReadOnly

  2. Restart the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database for the configuration change to take effect:

    rmtadmin restart --db

  3. Retrieve the password for the readonly user:

    rmtadmin get db.readOnlyPassword

Resource Monitoring Tool with external repository:

You must configure the RDS instance to allow access from Tableau Desktop. Retrieve the username and password for the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database and use it to download .tds files. For more information see the documentation on AWS site.

Resource Monitoring Tool versions 2022.2 and earlier:

  1. Open the postgresql.conf file in a text editor. By default, the file is located at: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\data\postgresql<version>

  2. Update Listen_addresses = 'localhost' to Listen_addresses = '*'.

    Note: You must remove the '#' from this line.

  3. Open the pg_hba.conf file in a text editor. This file is also located in the same directory as the postresql.conf file. By default the file is located at: C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool\data\postgresql<version>

  4. Add the following to the end of the pg_hba.conf file and then save the file:

    host all all scram-sha-256

    host all all ::/0 scram-sha-256

  5. Restart the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database for the configuration changes to take effect:

    rmtadmin restart --db

  6. Retrieve the password for the readonly user:

    rmtadmin get db.readOnlyPassword

Connect to the RMT .tds files from Tableau Desktop

After access to the Resource Monitoring Tool PostgreSQL database has been enabled for the readonly user, you can then connect to the downloaded .tds files from Tableau Desktop.

  1. In Tableau Desktop, go to File > Open and select the .tds file downloaded from the Resource Monitoring Tool web interface.

    Note: You might need to install the PostgreSQL database drivers. You can download drivers from www.tableau.com/support/drivers(Link opens in a new window).

    If Tableau Desktop does not automatically connect to the Resource Monitoring Tool Postgres database after opening the .tds file, you might need to manually enter the readonly username and password into the edit connection window in Tableau Desktop.

Who can do this

Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator or a Resource Monitoring Tool user with Download TDS Files server role.