Chargeback Reports

Chargeback reports show usage on a per-project or per-site basis and are available for allowed users through the Admin menu. The report is generated as a Tableau workbook using a generated extract, allowing you to modify the report or reuse the extract as needed.

The Chargeback Overview worksheet shows a breakdown of various metrics based on site and/or project:


Dollar amounts can be customized using the total cost field, and by adjusting the cost weights for each metric.

Clicking on a project or site navigates to a customized invoice-style detail report for that project/site:



User access is controlled through the Generate Chargeback Reports server role.

Data Generation

Data for the chargeback report is aggregated at the daily level, with the following metrics included in the data set:

Metric Description
Extract File Usage The size, in Kilobytes, of extract files is collected once per day. For the default report this is simply totaled across the time period for ratio/comparison purposes between projects/sites.
Extract Query Duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that queries running against extract files ran, totaled per day.
Extract Refresh Task Duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that extract refresh background tasks ran, totaled per day.
Query Duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that queries ran, totaled per day. This includes both extract and non-extract queries.
View Request Duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that requests to render views ran, totaled per day. This includes the duration of any data queries that blocked view rendering.

Who can do this

Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator or a Resource Monitoring Tool user with Server/Environment Management role.

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