Configure Tableau Server for OpenID Connect

This topic describes how to configure Tableau Server to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) for single-sign on (SSO). This is one step in a multi-step process. The following topics provide information about configuring and using OIDC with Tableau Server.

  1. OpenID Connect Overview

  2. Configure the Identity Provider for OpenID Connect

  3. Configure Tableau Server for OpenID Connect (you are here)

  4. Signing In to Tableau Server Using OpenID Connect


  1. Open TSM in a browser:

    https://<tsm-computer-name>:8850. For more information, see Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI.

  2. Click User Identity & Access on the Configuration tab and then click Authentication Method.

  3. Under Authentication Method, select OpenID Connect in the drop-down menu.

  4. Under OpenID Connect, select Enable OpenID authentication for the server.

  5. Enter the OpenID configuration information for your organization:

    Configure OpenID screenshot

    Note: If your provider relies on a configuration file hosted on the local computer (rather than a file hosted at a public URL), you can specify the file with the tsm authentication openid <commands>. Use the --metadata-file <file_path> option to specify a local IdP configuration file.

  6. Click Save Pending Changes after you've entered your configuration information.

  7. Click Pending Changes at the top of the page:

    Tableau Server Manager toolbar indicating that there are pending changes.

  8. Click Apply Changes and Restart.

Configure OpenID to work with a forward proxy

By default, Tableau Server ignores proxy settings and sends all OpenID requests directly to the IdP.

Beginning with Tableau Server 2021.2.2 and newer, if Tableau is configured to use a forward proxy to connect to the internet, then you may configure Tableau Server to use the proxy host and port settings to contact the OpenID IdP.

How you configure Tableau Server is different depending on how you have implemented forward proxy in your organization:

  • Forward proxy is configured on the Windows computer where Tableau Server is running.
  • Tableau Server sends all outbound traffic directly to a forward proxy server running in your organization.

Windows system proxy configuration

If your organization has configured forward proxy on each Windows computer use this method to use the system proxy configuration for OpenID onTableau Server. Run the following commands:

tsm configuration set -k tomcat.useSystemProxies -v true
tsm pending-changes apply

Forward proxy server

Use the command, tsm configuration set, to make the changes.

  • For HTTPS proxy hosts, use the following key-value pairs:

    -k tomcat.https.proxyHost -v host.domain

    -k tomcat.https.proxyPort -v port_number

    For example, if your proxy server is at https://proxy.example.lan:8443, then run the following commands:

    tsm configuration set -k tomcat.https.proxyHost -v proxy.example.lan
    tsm configuration set -k tomcat.https.proxyPort -v 8443
    tsm pending-changes apply
  • For HTTP proxy hosts, use the following key-value pairs:

    -k tomcat.http.proxyHost -v host.domain

    -k tomcat.http.proxyPort -v port_number

    After you have set these keys, run tsm pending-changes apply.