Troubleshoot OAuth Connections

This topic provides information about resolving issues that can occur when you configure OAuth data connections.

Conflict error

In some cases, users may receive an error when attempting to connect with OAuth. The first sentence of the error message is:

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

This error indicates that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Tableau Server needs to be added to the allowlist redirect key on Tableau Server.

When users are accessing a Tableau Server by the local host name (https://tableau) and the OAuth data provider is responding to the public DNS name (, Tableau Server must associate the external FQDN with the local server name. The local host name is the server name in the URL that users enter when accessing Tableau Server from the internal network.

To fix this error, run tsm configuration set with the oauth.whitelisted.redirect_to_origin_host key option. This key takes a value pair, "internal_host,FQDN1,FQDN2". For example, the following commands set the local host name to tableau and the FQDN to

tsm configuration set -k oauth.whitelisted.redirect_to_origin_host -v "tableau,"

tsm pending-changes apply

In the case where multiple public URLs are used to access the internal Tableau Server, add additional FQDNs to the command, separated by commas, for example:

tsm configuration set -k oauth.whitelisted.redirect_to_origin_host -v "tableau,,"

If you need to edit an existing allowlist redirect configuration, you must enter the full mapping set. You cannot truncate or append existing configuration keys.