Server Crash Reporter
The Tableau Server administrator can enable an option to allow logs and related files to be sent to Tableau when the server has an issue that results in a crash. These files are used by Tableau to identify and address issues that cause crashes. By default this option is disabled, and it should only be enabled in organizations that are not subject to regulations related to data privacy.
Important: Do not enable crash reporting if your data is subject to privacy regulations.
If Tableau Server has a problem that results in a crash, log files and dump files are generated. If the crash data upload feature is enabled, these files are automatically gathered and zipped into an encrypted package that is sent in the background, at the scheduled time. The encrypted package is sent in small pieces to limit impact to network performance. Only one crash report is packaged and uploaded at a time (a new crash report is not packaged until the previous package has been uploaded) and is sent in a "first in, first out" order. You can schedule the sending for a low-use window to further reduce any impact to your users.
The encrypted package is made up crash dump files and logs that include the following:
Crash/core dump files
Error log files related to the crash
Manifest files related to the crash
The files can contain data that includes:
Machine-specific information (for example: hardware, operating system, domain).
A snapshot of the contents of memory at the time of the crash, including application activity details like information about data connections, actions taken by the user in Tableau, and data being worked on in Tableau.
Tableau information including customer-identifiable information.