Desktop License Expiration

Note: This view is only available to server administrators. To access server views on multi-site deployments, click the site menu and select Manage All Sites. For information about how to navigate to administrative views, see Administrative Views .

The Desktop License Expiration view gives server administrators information about which Tableau Desktop licenses in your organization have expired or need maintenance renewal. This can help you manage licenses efficiently. This view can help you answer the following questions:

  • What trial or term licenses have expired?

  • What perpetual licenses have expired maintenance?

  • What perpetual licenses have maintenance renewals coming up?

To renew a license or get additional renewal information, see How to renew your Tableau licenses(Link opens in a new window).

Note: In order to get data about licenses, each copy of Tableau Desktop version 10.0 or later needs to be configured to send data to Tableau Server. This configuration can be done at installation time, using scripting or third-party software to install and configure Tableau. For more information, see Configure Desktop License Reporting.

In order to view license data, Desktop License Reporting must be enabled on Tableau Server. See Enable and configure Desktop license reporting.


The view includes the following tables, which are affected by the filters you set at the top of the view:

  • What keys have expired maintenance—This table shows the product keys for which maintenance has expired, with a vertical line indicating the point at which the six month window for renewing maintenance closes. If maintenance for a key is expired for more than six months you need to purchase a new key in order to qualify for support or upgrades.
  • What trial and term licenses have expired—This shows the trial or term product keys that have expired.
  • What is the maintenance schedule for my keys—This shows the keys and their maintenance status.