Activity Log

If you have Tableau Server with Advanced Management, Activity Log files are automatically recorded for detailed analysis and auditing.

With the Activity Log, you can:

  • View and analyze event data: Access detailed event data for Tableau Server, capturing compliance information and tracking activities across your sites. All events include a timestamp and the ID of the actor, and if relevant, the ID of the affected content.

  • Audit permissions changes: Track and audit permissions changes, such as adding or removing users from a group, moving content between projects, and explicitly changing content permissions. This is essential for implementing robust controls for compliance purposes.

  • Supplement Admin Views: Enhance the information provided by Admin Views to track site activity and usage metrics. You can integrate Activity Log data with monitoring tools, such as Splunk or Amazon EventBridge to query log fields and answer questions like the last 10 actions taken by a user, who last performed an event on content, and what the last action on content was.

Accessing Activity Log events

Activity Log events are stored in the backgrounder, dataserver, vizportal, and vizqlserver folders on the local hard drive. By default, the folders are located at %PROGRAMDATA%\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\logs\. Within each directory, you’ll find files named <process name>-cepp-canonical-events_*.log that record events and operations for your deployment.

For a full list of Activity Log events, see Activity Log Site Event Type Reference.