Hardware Incidents

Hardware incidents monitor the server itself. These can be used to help identify server issues that may affect Tableau Server’s performance.

You can set thresholds for the following issues:

  • CPU Usage
  • Available Memory
  • Memory Usage
  • Free Disk Space

The following incidents are configured by default when you install a new Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool:

  • When the available disk space falls below 10 GB for 10 minutes or more a warning incident is logged, and when available disk falls below 5 GB for 10 minutes or more, a critical incident is logged.
  • When available memory falls below 8 GB for over 10 minutes, a warning incident is logged.
  • When the CPU usage for the entire server is 80% or more for 5 minutes, a warning incident is logged.

Note: Memory related incidents are configured in binary multiples of bytes.

You can configure thresholds using the RMT Server web interface or by updating the configuration file config.json.

To set the thresholds for hardware incidents, under the Admin menu, select Configuration, and go to the Incidents tab.

For CPU Usage, set the following:

To set the thresholds for hardware incidents, under the Admin menu, select Configuration, and go to the Incidents tab.


See Incident Severity Level.

ProcessRequiredThe threshold applies to the entire Tableau Server or for a single process as specified.
Start ThresholdRequiredThe CPU usage must surpass the value specified before an incident is created and monitored. Set the percent and the duration for this threshold.
End ThresholdOptionalThe CPU usage that must fall below the value specified before an incident is considered resolved.

For Available Memory, set the following:


See Incident Severity Level.

Start ThresholdRequiredThe available memory must fall below the value specified before an incident is created and monitored. Set the percent and the duration for this threshold.
End ThresholdOptionalThe available memory must be above the value specified before an incident is considered resolved.

For Memory Usage, set the following:


See Incident Severity Level.

ProcessRequiredThe threshold applies to the entire Tableau Server or for a single process as specified.
Start ThresholdRequiredThe memory usage must be equal to the value specified before an incident is created and monitored. Set the percent and the duration for this threshold.
End ThresholdOptionalThe memory usage must be below the value specified before an incident is considered resolved.

For Free Disk Space, set the following:


See Incident Severity Level.

Start ThresholdRequiredThe free disk space must fall below the value specified before an incident is created and monitored. Set the percent and the duration for this threshold.
End ThresholdOptionalThe free disk space must be above the value specified before an incident is considered resolved.

For Disk Queue Length, set the following:


See Incident Severity Level.

Start ThresholdRequiredThe disk queue length must be equal to the value specified before an incident is created and monitored. Set the percent and the duration for this threshold.
End ThresholdOptionalThe disk queue length must be below the value specified before an incident is considered resolved.

Who can do this

Resource Monitoring Tool Administrator or a Resource Monitoring Tool user with Server/Environment Management role.