tableau-server-obliterate スクリプトのヘルプ出力

以下のヘルプ コンテンツは、次のコマンドを実行したときに出力されます。

sudo ./tableau-server-obliterate -h

./tableau-server-obliterate スクリプトは、/opt/tableau/tableau_server/packages/scripts.<version_code>/ にインストールされています。


Remove Tableau Server from this computer.

This script will stop and remove all Tableau Services from this
computer. It also removes data and configuration files. It leaves
licensing in place. It also preserves logs and backup files, which
are moved to a temp directory under the Tableau data folder. You can
force removal of these files, and licensing, using optional parameters.

This script is destructive and not reversible. It should only
be used to clean Tableau Server from a computer. For multi-node
installations, you must run the script separately on each node.

This script must be run as the root user.

-y          	Required. Yes, remove Tableau Server from this computer.
		Must be specified three times to confirm.
-l          	Optional. Delete licensing files and data. This command
		will attempt to deactivate licenses before deleting
		licensing data. Internet access is required for license
		deactivation. Offline deactivation is not supported.
		To deactivate license before removing Tableau Server,
		run 'tsm licenses deactivate' before running this script.
-k          	Optional. Do not copy backups to logs_temp directory.
-g          	Optional. Do not copy logs to logs_temp directory.
-a          	Optional. Do not copy anything to logs_temp directory.