Résultat de l’aide pour le script upgrade-tsm

Le contenu de l’aide suivant est le résultat que vous obtenez en exécutant la commande suivante :

sudo ./upgrade-tsm -h

Le script upgrade-tsm est installé sur /opt/tableau/tableau_server/packages/scripts.<version_code>/.


Usage: upgrade-tsm --accepteula [optional arguments]
Upgrade Tableau Server cluster to version <version number>.
This script should be run from any Tableau Server cluster node after Tableau Server <version number> package
has been installed on all nodes.
--accepteula                            Indicate that you have accepted the End User License Agreement (EULA).
					You can find the EULA in docs directory
-u <value>, --username=<value>          TSM administrator user name. Required if it is run using a non-TSM administrator
					account on the initial node, or if upgrading from a version prior to 2019.2.
-p <value>, --password=<value>          TSM administrator password. Required if the --username option is specified.
					If a password is required but not provided, you will be prompted for the password.
--debug                                 Print each command as it is run for debugging purposes. Produces extensive
--trust-admin-controller-cert           Do not validate the server certificate.
--no-prompt                             Suppress script prompts. You will only be prompted for missing required
					parameters, for example, if you specify a user name but not a password. If the
					script needs to stop or restart Tableau Server it will do so without warning or
					prompting. Use this if you automate the upgrade, for example, with a script.

					Required if upgrading from a Tableau Server to a version of Tableau Server
					that uses a later major version of PostgreSQL and is configured to use an
					external repository. The filename is a configuration file describing a new
					instance of the external repository. The new repository should use the same
					type of external service as the current external repository, but with the
					supported version of PostgreSQL.
					Required if upgrading from a Tableau Server to a version of Tableau Server
					that uses a later major version of PostgreSQL and is configured to use an
					external repository. The filename is an SSL (X509) certificate file for the new
					external repository. The new repository should use the same type
					of external service as the current external repository, but with the
					supported version of PostgreSQL.