Extract Upgrade to .hyper Format

In Tableau version 2018, we introduced the .hyper format for Tableau extracts to replace the old .tde format. The .hyper format has been the standard format used by Tableau to create extracts since 2018, and the large majority of extracts are now .hyper files. Beginning in early 2023, Tableau discontinued support for the .tde format on Tableau Cloud and Tableau Public. For more details, see this Tableau Community post(Link opens in a new window).

Discontinuation of support for TDE extract files

Beginning in 2023, the .tde format for Tableau extracts was deprecated. This format was replaced by the .hyper format in 2018 but continued to be valid for uploaded files until March 2023.

  • This change took place for Tableau Cloud and Tableau Public as of March 2023.
  • Beginning with version 2023.1.0 of Tableau Server, the uploading of .tde format files is disabled by default. A Server Administrator can change this behaviour. For more information, see features.Hyper_DisallowTDEPublishing.
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