Configure Server Crash Reporter

Server crash reporting is disabled by default. This topic describes how to enable and configure server crash reporting. Crash reports are encrypted and sent to Tableau. See Server Crash Reporter for more information.

If your organisation uses a proxy server to connect to the internet then you must configure server crash reporter to use the proxy. Even if you have already configured Tableau Server to use a proxy, you must also configure server crash reporter separately. To configure proxy for server crash reporter you must use TSM CLI procedure as described in this topic.

Important: Do not enable crash reporting if your data is subject to privacy regulations.

  1. Open TSM in a browser:

    https://<tsm-computer-name>:8850. For more information, see Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI.

  2. Click the Maintenance tab.

  3. Under Other Maintenance Tasks, in Server Crash Reporter, select Enable crash reporting:

  4. Specify the scheduled time of day to upload the crash reports to Tableau.

  5. When you are finished, click Pending Changes, and then click Apply Changes and Restart.

Use the configuration file template below to create a json file. After you have filled in the options with the appropriate values, pass the json file and apply settings with the following commands:

tsm settings import -f path-to-file.json

tsm pending-changes apply

If the pending changes require a server restart, the pending-changes apply command will display a prompt to let you know a restart will occur. This prompt displays even if the server is stopped, but in that case, there is no restart. You can suppress the prompt using the --ignore-prompt option, but this does not change the restart behaviour. If the changes do not require a restart, the changes are applied without a prompt. For more information, see tsm pending-changes apply.

Because the configuration file is using configKey class, the values that you pass are not validated by TSM as they are when you use configEntities class. You can verify and set individual options by using the tsm configuration commands.

Crash reporter settings

The crash reporter settings in the template below specify a range of options for configuring Tableau Server to send crash reports to Tableau.

Configuration template

Use this template to configure the gateway settings.

For more explanation about configuration files, entities and keys see Configuration File Example.

	"configKeys": {
	 "servercrashupload.enabled": "true",
	 "servercrashupload.scheduled_time": "1:00:00 UTC",
	 "servercrashupload.proxy_server_host": "",
	 "servercrashupload.proxy_server_port": "",
	 "servercrashupload.proxy_server_username": "",
	 "servercrashupload.proxy_server_password": "",
	 "servercrashupload.preserve_upload_packages": "false",
	 "servercrashupload.delete_completed_dumps": "false"

Configuration file reference

This table includes keys that you can set to configure crash reporting.


Default: false.

Set to true to enable crash reporting.


Default: 1:00:00 UTC

Specifies the scheduled time that crash uploads will begin. Enter time of day in 24 hour format.


If your organisation uses a proxy server to communicate with the internet, specify the host name.


If your organisation uses a proxy server to communicate with the internet, specify the port number.


If your proxy server requires authentication, specify the user name with this key.


If your proxy server requires authentication, specify the password with this key.


Default: false.

To save all packages that are created for a crash reporting, set this key to true.

By default, packages are saved to /var/opt/tableau/tableau_server/data/tabsvc/clustercontroller/tabcrashreporter.


Default: false.

To delete all dumps after they are sent, set this key to true.

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