Troubleshooting Analytics Extensions Connections

This topic describes errors you can receive when Tableau is connected to an external analytics extension service.

Note: Tableau technical support cannot assist with writing, troubleshooting, or debugging external scripts.

Errors that can occur when communicating with any analytics extension

Error Message Comments
Unsupported type passed as an argument to SCRIPT function.

Tableau can only export the following Tableau data types to R:

  • Number (Decimal)

  • Number (Whole)

  • Boolean

  • String

  • Date

  • Date/Time

Unexpected number of results returned by SCRIPT function. Function expected %2 values; %1 values were returned. The script result must be either a scalar or vector of length one that is replicated for all rows, or a vector of length equal to the number of rows in the Tableau result table.
Certificate file is not valid for the specified connection (%1 %2:%3). Check that the same certificate is used for both server and client, the certificate file is not corrupted and has valid dates. Verify that the certificate you are using to connect to the external service is encoded and formatted correctly. You must connect with a valid PEM-encoded x509 certificate with the extension .crt.
The result returned by the SCRIPT function is of an unexpected type.

Occurs when an invalid data type is received. Tableau can only import the following data types from an Rserve server:

  • RDouble

  • RInteger

  • RLogical

  • RCharacter

For TabPy, Tableau can import the following data types:

  • List of floating point numbers

  • List of integers

  • List of Booleans

  • List of strings

This error is also reported if the result is null or if there was a script execution error for which Tableau could not collect an explanation from the external server.

An error occurred while communicating with the external service. Tableau runs all external scripts inside of the "try" external function. This error is displayed along with an external-service-generated error message when the “try” function traps an evaluation error.
This external service connection does not support authentication. Try connecting without specifying a password.  
Authentication failed. Please provide a valid external service username and password.  
An unsupported authentication type is enabled in the external service. Either disable external service authentication or change to plaintext password authentication.
No external service connection configured. Specify a server name and try again. See Pass Expressions with Analytics Extensions.
The calculation '%1' contains a SCRIPT_ function that requires an internal service connection. Configure your external service connection to enable custom scripts. See Pass Expressions with Analytics Extensions.
The workbook you are attempting to publish contains SCRIPT_ functions that require an external service connection. Custom scripts are not allowed in public workbooks. You cannot publish workbooks containing external service scripts to Tableau Public.
Tableau Public does not support running custom scripts that require external services. To take advantage of external services, upgrade to Tableau Desktop Professional Edition. The "Tableau Public" in this error refers to Tableau Desktop Public.
Tableau Reader does not support running custom scripts that require external services. To take advantage of external services, upgrade to Tableau Desktop Professional Edition. You cannot view workbooks containing external service scripts in Tableau Reader.

Errors that can occur only with an Rserve Server

Error Message Comments
Unrecognized Rserve signature. The Rserve header signature must be "Rsrv".
Unrecognized Rserve version. The Rserve header version must be "0103".
Unrecognized Rserve protocol. The Rserve header protocol must be "QAP1".
Authentication failure when connecting to R. Tableau attempted and failed to authenticate with Rserve. Verify that you entered a valid password.
Incorrect number of bytes in parameter/body.  
The length of data which Tableau read does not equal the length promised by the header.  
Unrecognized response type. The transport protocol type when reading a result was not SEXP as expected.
Excessively long <type>vector. Unreasonably large number measuring the length of data sent to or from Rserve possibly indicating a corrupt protocol header.
Invalid Rserve command. Tableau may have improperly implemented the Rserve protocol.
Response from server was Error " << (uint32_t)status << ". See Rsrv.h for details. Various error conditions are documented in the comments in Rsrv.h.
Excessively long header offset. This may be due to a garbled header with an unreasonable offset to response data.
Rserve socket failed. A login, script evaluation, read pending check, result read, or Tableau field to R script argument assignment threw a non-standard exception.
The external service uses an unsupported authentication type. To support running both SSL-enabled and plaintext connections to an Rserve instance, the Rserve Server administrator must add the following entry to the Rserve configuration file on the Rserve Server:

plaintext enable

A crypto-system error has occurred on RServe. An error has occurred with RServe’s encryption system. Check the RServe logs for more details.
RServe has initiated closing due to a security violation. RServe closed the connection due to a security violation. Check the RServe logs for more details.
The External Service Configuration is set for a secure connection but missing a certificate. When establishing a secure connection to an External Service, you are required to upload the certificate with which you expect this External Service to be signed. Connections to servers that are not signed by this certificate will be refused. This ensures that you are only sending your data to trusted servers.
Certificate file is not valid for the specified connection (%1 %2:%3). Check that the same certificate is used for both server and client, the certificate file is not corrupted and has valid dates The certificate provided is not valid for this connection configuration. Check to see that it matches the certificate signing the External Service server, that it is PEM encoded, and that it is valid for today’s date.
External service connection certificate is invalid The certificate provided is invalid. Check to see that the certificate is PEM encoded, and that it is valid for today’s date.
External service connection failed to create SSL/TLS context Tableau failed to initialize a secure environment for this given External Service configuration. Check to see that the host and port are correct, and that the certificate is valid.
External service failed to connect with SSL/TLS Tableau failed to establish a secure connection to the External Service. Verify that the External Service is configured to support secure connection, and that the certificate provided matches the one signing the External Service.
External service server protocol is unrecognized A protocol was prepended to the host that is not recognized or supported by Tableau. If connecting to RServe, no protocol is expected. If connecting to TabPy, the HTTP protocol is expected when establishing a plaintext connection, and the HTTPS protocol is expected when establishing a secure connection.

Other issues

SCRIPT functions run even in logical statements that evaluate as false

A function that sends an expression to a running external service instance will be executed even when it is within a logical statement that would otherwise prevent it from being executed. This is true for logical functions such as IF, IIF, and CASE. For example:

IF 1==0 THEN
  [[R script code]]
  "1 does not equal 0"