Tableau JDBC Capability Customisations Reference

You can set the following capability customisations in the Tableau Datasource Customisation (TDC) file to define which Tableau capabilities are supported by the JDBC connection.

Many of these customisations influence the type of SQL queries that Tableau issues. For settings that are not defined, Tableau attempts to determine the proper values for each capability by issuing various forms of SQL queries to experimentally verify which forms are supported.

CAP_CREATE_TEMP_TABLESSet to 'yes' if Tableau can create temporary tables needed for certain complex or optimised queries. See also: CAP_SELECT_INTO.
CAP_CONNECT_STORED_PROCEDURESet to 'yes' to allow support for connecting to a stored procedure.
CAP_FAST_METADATASet to 'yes' if you have small to moderate size schemas. This capability controls whether Tableau should enumerate all of the objects immediately when you connect. Set the value to ‘yes’ to enable this capability for better performance when creating new connections. Disable this capability to allow search for specific schemas or tables instead of retrieving all objects. You can search for all objects by using an empty string. This capability is available in 9.0 and later.
CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTEDSet to 'yes' to force the transaction isolation level to Read Committed if the data source supports it. Only one of the four transaction isolation levels should be set to 'yes'. See also: CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQL.
CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTEDSet to 'yes' to force the transaction isolation level to Read Uncommitted if the data source supports it. Only one of the four transaction isolation levels should be set to 'yes'. This capability can improve speed by reducing lock contention, but may result in partial or inconsistent data in query results. See also: CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQL.
CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READSSet to 'yes' to force the transaction isolation level to Repeatable Reads if the data source supports it. Only one of the four transaction isolation levels should be set to 'yes'. See also: CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQL.
CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLESet to 'yes' to force the transaction isolation level to Serializable if the data source supports it. Only one of the four transaction isolation levels should be set to 'yes'. This is a very conservative setting that may improve stability at the expense of performance. See also: CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQL.
CAP_JDBC_BIND_DETECT_ALIAS_CASE_FOLDINGSet to ‘yes’ to allow Tableau to detect and recover from a JDBC data source that reports the field names in a result set using only uppercase or lowercase characters, instead of the expected field names.
CAP_JDBC_EXPORT_DATA_BATCHSet to 'no' to disable the use of JDBC batch operations for data insert.
CAP_JDBC_METADATA_GET_INDEX_INFOSet to ‘no’ to disable reading index information.
CAP_JDBC_METADATA_READ_FOREIGNKEYSSet to ‘no’ to disable reading foreign key metadata.
CAP_JDBC_METADATA_READ_PRIMARYKEYSSet to ‘no’ to disable reading primary key metadata.
CAP_JDBC_METADATA_USE_RESULTSET_FOR_TABLESet to 'yes' to get column metadata from the result set of a select * query. Available in Tableau 2020.4 and newer.
CAP_JDBC_QUERY_ASYNCSet to ‘yes’ to run queries on another thread.
CAP_JDBC_QUERY_CANCELSet to ‘yes’ if driver can cancel queries.
CAP_JDBC_QUERY_DISABLE_AUTO_COMMITSet to 'yes' to disable the default auto-commit mode when running query. Available in Tableau 2020.4 and newer.
CAP_JDBC_QUERY_FORCE_PREPARESet to 'yes' to always prepare the query before execution. Available in Tableau 2020.4 and newer.
CAP_JDBC_SUPPRESS_EMPTY_CATALOG_NAMESet to 'yes' to ignore missing catalogue.
CAP_JDBC_SUPPRESS_ENUMERATE_DATABASESSet to ‘yes’ to disable database enumeration.
CAP_JDBC_SUPPRESS_ENUMERATE_SCHEMASSet to ‘yes’ to disable schema enumeration.
CAP_JDBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_PREPARED_QUERYIf CAP_JDBC_METADATA_USE_RESULTSET_FOR_TABLE is enabled, set this capability to 'yes' to disable preparing the query used for reading the table metadata. We will execute the query wrapped with a where-false clause.
CAP_JDBC_USE_ADAPTIVE_FETCH_SIZESet to 'yes' to use ResultSet metadata to determine optimal fetch size. May require CAP_JDBC_QUERY_FORCE_PREPARE to be enabled to work properly. Available in Tableau 2020.4 and newer.
CAP_MULTIPLE_CONNECTIONS_FROM_SAME_IPSet to 'no' to prevent Tableau from creating more than one active connection to the database. This is a conservative setting that may increase stability at the expense of performance.
CAP_QUERY_BOOLEXPR_TO_INTEXPRSet to 'yes' if Tableau must coerce any Boolean expressions to an integer value in order include in a result set.
CAP_QUERY_FROM_REQUIRES_ALIASSet to 'yes' if the FROM clause must provide an alias for the given table.
CAP_QUERY_GROUP_ALLOW_DUPLICATESSet to 'no' if SQL queries cannot contain duplicate expressions in the GROUP BY clause (this is uncommon).
CAP_QUERY_GROUP_BY_ALIASSet to 'yes' if SQL queries with aggregations can reference the grouping columns by their corresponding alias in the SELECT list, e.g. GROUP BY ‘none_ShipCountry_nk.
CAP_QUERY_GROUP_BY_DEGREESet to 'yes' if SQL queries with aggregations can reference the grouping columns by the ordinal position of each column, e.g. GROUP BY 2, 5. See also: CAP_QUERY_SORT_BY_DEGREE
CAP_QUERY_HAVING_REQUIRES_GROUP_BYSet to 'yes' if Tableau must use an artificial grouping field for any query which has a HAVING clause but no grouping columns.
CAP_QUERY_HAVING_UNSUPPORTEDSet to 'yes' if the SQL syntax for HAVING is unsupported. Tableau may be able to work around this using subqueries. See also: CAP_QUERY_SUBQUERIES.
CAP_QUERY_INCLUDE_GROUP_BY_COLUMNS_IN_SELECTSet to 'yes' to require all GROUP BY expressions to also appear in the SELECT expression list.
CAP_QUERY_JOIN_ACROSS_SCHEMASSet to 'yes' if SQL queries can express joins between tables located in different schemas.
CAP_QUERY_JOIN_ASSUME_CONSTRAINEDSet to ‘yes’ to cull inner joins even if the database tables does do not have FK-PK relationships.
CAP_QUERY_JOIN_PUSH_DOWN_CONDITION_EXPRESSIONSSet to 'yes' to rewrite joins to simplify the ON clause conditions to simple identifier comparisons.
CAP_QUERY_JOIN_REQUIRES_SCOPESet to 'yes' if SQL queries must scope each join clause within parentheses to ensure a proper order of evaluation.
CAP_QUERY_JOIN_REQUIRES_SUBQUERYSet to ‘yes’ to force join expressions involving more than two tables to be composed with subqueries.
CAP_QUERY_NULL_REQUIRES_CASTSet to 'yes' if the data source requires that all NULL literals are cast to an explicit data type.
CAP_QUERY_SELECT_ALIASES_SORTEDSet to 'yes' if Tableau must impose a deterministic order on the SELECT expressions (sorted by alias) to ensure that query results can be properly matched with each field in the Tableau visualisation. This is only required for data sources which do not preserve the aliases of the SELECT expressions when returning metadata with the query results.
CAP_QUERY_SORT_BY_DEGREESet to 'yes' if SQL queries can reference the sorting columns by the ordinal position of each column, e.g. ORDER BY 2, 5. See also: CAP_QUERY_GROUP_BY_DEGREE.
CAP_QUERY_SUBQUERIESSet to 'yes' if the data source supports subqueries.
CAP_QUERY_SUBQUERIES_WITH_TOPSet to 'yes' if the data source supports a TOP or LIMIT row-limiting clause within a subquery.
CAP_QUERY_SUBQUERY_DATASOURCE_CONTEXTSet to 'yes' to use subquery filtered query context to implement data source filters. This capability is available in Tableau 8.0 through Tableau 9.3 only.
CAP_QUERY_SUBQUERY_QUERY_CONTEXTSet to 'yes' to force Tableau to use a subquery for context filters instead of a temporary table or locally cached results.
CAP_QUERY_TOP_NSet to 'yes' if the data source supports any form of row-limiting clause. The exact forms supported are described below.
CAP_QUERY_TOPSTYLE_LIMITSet to 'yes' if the data source uses LIMIT as the row-limiting clause.
CAP_QUERY_TOPSTYLE_ROWNUMSet to 'yes' if the data source supports an Oracle-style filter on ROWNUM as the row-limiting clause.
CAP_QUERY_TOPSTYLE_TOPSet to 'yes' if the data source uses TOP as the row-limiting clause.
CAP_QUERY_USE_QUERY_FUSIONSet to ‘no’ to prevent Tableau from combining multiple individual queries into a single combined query. Turn off this capability for performance tuning or if the database is unable to process large queries. This capability is enabled by default and is available in Tableau 9.0 and later for all data sources except Tableau data extracts. Support for this capability in Tableau data extracts is available in Tableau 9.0.6.
CAP_SELECT_INTOSet to 'yes' if Tableau can create a table on the fly from the resultset of another query. See also: CAP_CREATE_TEMP_TABLES.
CAP_SELECT_TOP_INTOSet to 'yes' if Tableau can use a TOP or LIMIT row-limiting clause when creating a table from a query result set.
CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQLSet to 'yes' to force Tableau to set the transaction isolation level for the data source using a SQL query. CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_SQL must be set to 'yes' when any one of the four CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL capabilities has been set to 'yes'.
CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_PREFER_TEMP_TABLESet to 'yes' to use a temporary table to support remote queries over the stored procedure result set.
CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_REPAIR_TEMP_TABLE_STRINGSSet to 'yes' to attempt to compute actual string widths if metadata indicates no width or non-positive width.
CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_TEMP_TABLE_FROM_BUFFERSet to 'yes' to populate the temporary table from a result set buffered in entirety.
CAP_STORED_PROCEDURE_TEMP_TABLE_FROM_NEW_PROTOCOLSet to ‘yes’ to populate the temporary table from a separate protocol created for just this operation.
CAP_SUPPRESS_DISCOVERY_QUERIESSet to 'yes' to prevent Tableau from detecting the supported SQL syntax for a variety of clauses.
CAP_SUPPRESS_DISPLAY_LIMITATIONSSet to 'yes' to suppress displaying any warnings about limitations for this data source.

See also

Other Databases (JDBC) – Describes how to connect to your data using the Other Databases (JDBC) connector.