Running Actions

Depending on how the action is created, you can run an action using one of the following three methods:

  • Hover - Rest the pointer over a mark in the view to run the action. This option works well for highlight and filter actions within a dashboard.

  • Select - Click on a mark in the view to run the action. This option works well for all types of actions.

  • Menu - On Tableau Desktop, right-click (control-click on Mac) a selected mark in the view and then select an option on the context menu. On Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, left-click (click on Mac) on a selected mark in the view to see the context menu. This option works well for filter and URL actions.


Links are not always visible for every worksheet and mark. Because links are mapped to specific fields in the data source, links will only be available for the worksheets that use the mapped fields. For example, if you add a hyperlink that uses both Latitude and Longitude as parameters in the link, the link will only be available to worksheets that use Latitude and Longitude in the view. Additionally, the link is only available on marks and headers that contain relevant values.