About Tableau Advanced Management on Tableau Cloud

Important: Beginning September 15, 2024, Advanced Management will no longer be sold as an independent add-on option. After September 15, 2024, features and functionality in Advanced Management will be offered via certain license editions. Existing deployments with Advanced Management remain unaffected. More details will be announced in the coming months. For more information, contact your Sales Account team.

Tableau Advanced Management is a collection of features designed to provide enhanced security, manageability, and scalability capabilities for your Tableau Cloud deployment.

Advanced Management Licensing

Advanced Management is licensed on a per deployment basis.

  • Advanced Management can only be used with a Tableau Cloud deployment. For more information on how to purchase Advanced Management for an existing Tableau Cloud deployment, contact your account manager.

  • If Advanced Management is removed or deactivated for your deployment, you will no longer be able to use the features associated with Advanced Management.

Feature table

The following table lists the features that are included with Advanced Management:

Feature Description Requirements to use the feature
Content Migration Tool The Content Migration Tool provides an easy way to copy or migrate content between Tableau projects in your Tableau Cloud deployment.

For more information, see About Tableau Content Migration Tool.

  • The Content Migration Tool must be installed on a version of Microsoft Windows that supports .NET 4.6.1 (Windows 7 or later, Windows Server 2008R2 or later).
Activity Log The Activity Log can send log events to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), where you can use them to conduct further auditing and analysis.

For more information, see Activity Log.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket to receive data.

  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key.

Admin Insights data retention Admin Insights data sources retain up to 365 days of site data.

For more information, see Use Admin Insights to Create Custom Views.

Customer-Managed Encryption Keys Customer-Managed Encryption Keys give you an extra level of security by allowing you to encrypt your site data extracts with a customer managed site-specific key. For more information, see Customer-Managed Encryption Keys.  
Increased Site Capacity With Advanced Management you get the following capacity increases for your licensed sites:
  • Storage of up to 5 Terabytes (TB)
  • Maximum file size of 25 Gigabytes (GB)
  • Up to 25 concurrent Extract refreshes

For more information on site capacity, see Tableau Cloud Site Capacity.

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