Step 2: Set Up Your Cluster

  1. Verify that your secondary volume is unformatted. On the Linux node, run the following command:

    lsblk -f

    The following image shows the extra volume nvme1n1 on a cluster node as unformatted and the FSTYPE is empty:

  2. On the Data Connect tab, under Pools, click Add New Pool.

  3. In the Add New Pool dialog, enter a pool name and click Create Pool.

  4. Click Generate Node Script.

  5. In the Add New Node to <pool-name> dialog, click Download Script.

    A cluster.tar file is downloaded to your Downloads folder.

  6. As root or sudo user, open a terminal window and run the following commands one at a time.

    > scp -i <xxx>.pem /Downloads/cluster.tar ec2-user@ip-<xx-xx-xx-xx>.us-west-2compute.internal:~/

    > ssh -i <xxx>.pem ex2-user@ip-<xx-xx-xx-xx>.us-west-2compute.internal

    > tar -xvf clustertar.tar

    > chmod +x

    > ./

    Note: You can click Generate Node Script to open the Add New Node to <node_name> dialog to copy the script commands in the UI.

    After the script is executed, you see Successfully performed all operations in the terminal window and the Tableau team will begin the provisioning process.

    On the Data Connect tab for your site, the Pool status is shown as Uninitialized.

  7. Click the chevron (⌄) to expand the pool name section and see the host name and available actions.

  8. After the cluster node is created, click Accept Node and then click Confirm.

    The cluster node then goes into Provisioning status. Provisioning the node can take one hour or more.

  9. After the Nodes status changes to Ready, click the chevron (^) to collapse the pool name section, click the actions button (...), and select Refresh Tokens

  10. When the Pool status is set to Ready, in the collapsed pool name section, click the actions button (...) and select Get Docker Registry.

    Use the information from the Docker registry to run the script commands in the following step.

Data Connect setup workflow

Step 1: Contact Tableau

Step 2: Set Up Your Cluster

Step 3: Build Your Base Image and Publish

Step 4: Map a Domain to a Pool

Step 5: Create a Data Source for a Live Connection

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