Webhooks Events and Payloads

In this topic:

Trigger Events

Note: Starting in Tableau 2020.3, the `event` attribute of your webhook is the preferred place to specify the triggering event. `webhook-source` can also be used or omitted, as long as there is no conflict between the event described in the two elements.   

The following events are supported:

event Name webhook-source Name resource Name
AdminPromoted webhook-event-user-promoted-admin USER
AdminDemoted webhook-event-user-demoted-admin USER
DatasourceUpdated webhook-source-event-datasource-updated DATASOURCE
DatasourceCreated webhook-source-event-datasource-created DATASOURCE
DatasourceDeleted webhook-source-event-datasource-deleted DATASOURCE
DatasourceRefreshStarted webhook-source-event-datasource-refresh-started EXTRACTS
DatasourceRefreshSucceeded webhook-source-event-datasource-refresh-succeeded EXTRACTS
DatasourceRefreshFailed webhook-source-event-datasource-refresh-failed EXTRACTS
LabelCreated webhook-source-event-label-created DATASOURCE/WORKBOOK
LabelUpdated webhook-source-event-label-updated DATASOURCE/WORKBOOK
LabelDeleted webhook-source-event-label-LabelDeleted DATASOURCE/WORKBOOK
SiteCreated webhook-source-event-site-created SITE
SiteUpdated webhook-source-event-site-updated SITE
SiteDeleted webhook-source-event-site-deleted SITE
UserDeleted webhook-source-event-user-deleted USER
ViewDeleted webhook-source-event-view-deleted VIEW
WorkbookUpdated webhook-source-event-workbook-updated WORKBOOK
WorkbookCreated webhook-source-event-workbook-created WORKBOOK
WorkbookDeleted webhook-source-event-workbook-deleted WORKBOOK
WorkbookRefreshStarted webhook-source-event-workbook-refresh-started EXTRACTS
WorkbookRefreshSucceeded webhook-source-event-workbook-refresh-succeeded EXTRACTS
WorkbookRefreshFailed webhook-source-event-workbook-refresh-failed EXTRACTS

Version Notes

Tableau Webhooks Behavior


When one of the subscribed events fires, a JSON payload is sent to the URL that is configured. The payloads are the same format for all events but the content in the fields varies based on the event type.

Example Payloads  

Here are a few examples of the payloads and what information is included:




  "resource_name":"My Datasource",



Field Description
resource  “DATASOURCE”
event_type  Type of event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the datasource in question.
site_luid  LUID for the site that contains the datasource.
resource_luid  The datasource LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the datasource was created.

Datasource extract refresh:



  "resource_name":"My Datasource",



Field Description
resource  “EXTRACTS”
event_type  Type of extract refresh event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the datasource in question.
site_luid  LUID for the site that contains the datasource.
resource_luid  The datasource LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the extract refresh job was created.

Workbook created:



  "resource_name":"My Workbook",




Field  Description 
resource  “WORKBOOK”
event_type  Type of event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the workbook in question.
site_luid  LUID for the site that contains the workbook.
resource_luid  The workbook LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the workbook was created.

Workbook extract refresh started:



  "resource_name":"My Workbook",




Field  Description 
resource  “EXTRACTS”
event_type  Type of event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the workbook in question.
site_luid  LUID for the site that contains the workbook.
resource_luid  The workbook LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the extract refresh job was created.

User Admin Promoted:



  "resource_name":"Test user",





Field  Description
resource  “USER”
event_type  Type of event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the user.
site_luid  LUID for the site that the user has permissions to.
resource_luid  The user LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the user was created.

Label Created for datasource:



  "resource_name":"My Datasource",



Field  Description
resource  DATASOURCE
event_type  Type of event that occurred.
resource_name  Name of the asset in question.
site_luid  LUID for the site that contains the asset.
resource_luid  The asset LUID.
created_at The time stamp of when the label was created.