Class Parser<FetchResult>Abstract

An abstract class for the implementation of connector custom parsing that synchronously parses the results yielded from the Fetcher.

For TypeScript, the fetcherResult type can be provided via the type parameter. By default, fetcherResult is typed as any.


export default class MyParser extends Parser<Uint8Array> {
parse(fetcherResult: Uint8Array, options: ParseOptions): DataContainer {
// ...

Type Parameters

  • FetchResult = any


  • BaseParser
    • Parser


  • Type Parameters

    • FetchResult = any

    Returns Parser<FetchResult>


  • The method to implement the parsing logic for transforming the fetcherResult into a DataContainer. When a custom parser is defined, the connector must implement this method to perform data parsing.


    Returns DataContainer

  • A static method to create a DataContainerBuilder instance based on the provided dataContainer object.


    Returns DataContainerBuilder

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