The Connector class is a facade class used to talk with the eps main server.


  • Connector


  • Parameters

    • onInitSuccess: ((connector) => void) = onInitSuccessDefault
        • (connector): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    • onInitFailure: ((connector, err) => void) = onInitFailureDefault
        • (connector, err): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns Connector


appSnapshot?: object
handlerInputs?: HandlerInput<any>[]

Property to set an array of HandlerInput instances to be transmitted to connector handlers from the connector app.

Don’t transmit sensitive information through handlerInputs because it could be susceptible to logging and internal storage.

secrets: undefined | SecretsType

Property is used to transmit sensitive information to connector handlers from the connector app.

In Tableau apps, Secrets are excluded from storage within saved workbooks. Secrets are securely retained in Tableau Server’s keychain.



  • Returns void

  • Send a GET request.

    By default, it sends the request directly to the endpoint. When requestOptions.bypassCorsPolicy is set, the request will be forwarded to EPS. This can be used when a server has certain CORS policy. When EPS receives the forwarded request, it will validate the connector's permission settings defined in the connector.json.

    The function also validates the connector's permission settings on the client.


    Returns Promise<AjaxResponse<any>>

  • Send a POST request.

    By default, it sends the request directly to the endpoint. When requestOptions.bypassCorsPolicy is set, the request will be forwarded to EPS. This can be used when a server has certain CORS policy. When EPS receives the forwarded request, it will validate the connector's permission settings defined in the connector.json.

    The function also validates the connector's permission settings on the client.


    Returns Promise<AjaxResponse<any>>

  • Returns Promise<void>

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