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Interface VizSettingsShared

This interface represents all of the options for configuring a viz that are common between viewing and authoring mode.




Optional debug

debug: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the non-minified version of JavaScript is loaded. If specified (or set to true), the non-minified version is used for both the local component and the Tableau Server visualization (if enabled). If not specified (or set to false), the minified version of the JavaScript files are loaded.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" debug />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" debug />
<tableau-ask-data id="tableauAskData" debug />

Optional hideEditInDesktopButton

hideEditInDesktopButton: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the Edit in Desktop button is hidden or visible. If not specified, defaults to false, meaning that the Edit in Desktop button is visible.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" hide-edit-in-desktop-button>
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" hide-edit-in-desktop-button>

Optional iframeAuth

iframeAuth: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether to use the old auth mechanism for authentication which happens inside the iframe. If specified, VizLoadErrorEvents triggered due to auth failures will not be thrown.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-auth />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" iframe-auth />
<tableau-ask-data id="tableauAskData" iframe-auth />

Optional onEditInDesktopButtonClicked

onEditInDesktopButtonClicked: undefined | string

An event raised when the user clicks on the Edit In Desktop Button. You can use this event type with TableauViz objects.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" onEditInDesktopButtonClicked="onEditInDesktopButtonClickedHandler" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" onEditInDesktopButtonClicked="onEditInDesktopButtonClickedHandler" />

Optional onFirstInteractive

onFirstInteractive: undefined | string

An event raised when the Viz object first becomes interactive. This is only raised once.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" "onFirstInteractive"="onFirstInteractiveHandler" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" onFirstInteractive="onFirstInteractiveHandler" />

Optional onFirstVizSizeKnown

onFirstVizSizeKnown: undefined | string

An event raised when the size of the viz is known. You can use this event to perform tasks such as resizing the elements surrounding the Viz object once the object's size has been established.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" "onFirstVizSizeKnown"="onFirstVizSizeKnownHandler" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" onFirstVizSizeKnown="onFirstVizSizeKnownHandler" />

Optional suppressDefaultEditBehavior

suppressDefaultEditBehavior: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the default edit behavior is suppressed. If not specified, defaults to false, meaning that the default edit behavior is not suppressed.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" suppress-default-edit-behavior>
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" suppress-default-edit-behavior>

Optional token

token: undefined | string

The token used for authorization

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />
<tableau-ask-data id="tableauAskData" token="some-token-containing-clientId" />

Optional touchOptimize

touchOptimize: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether to touch optimize viz controls.

<tableau-viz id="tableauViz" touch-optimize />
<tableau-authoring-viz id="tableauViz" touch-optimize />