Cancel TSM Jobs

TSM Jobs can be canceled through TSM web interface or TSM CLI. There are many TSM jobs, but only certain jobs can be canceled once they are in progress. Any job that hasn’t yet started can be canceled using TSM CLI.

TSM web interface: For jobs that can be canceled while they are running, the Cancel option is available in the Job dialog box as shown below:

Cancel Running Job confirmation window.


TSM CLI: To cancel jobs using TSM CLI, see tsm jobs.

To see more information about TSM jobs in general, see Tableau Service Manager Jobs.

Canceling Jobs that are in progress

Only certain jobs can be canceled while they are already running: Cleanup, Decommission File Store, Generate Backup, Restart Server, Start Server. The cancel behavior can be different depending on the job and the state of the job at the time it was canceled. This is explained in detail below:

  • Cleanup: If you cancel a cleanup job, it will stop any services that were started in order to do the cleanup. Depending on when it was canceled, some files may be deleted and some may not have been deleted yet resulting in partial cleanup.
  • Decommission File Store: If you cancel this job, it returns the Tableau Server File Store topology to the state that it was prior to starting the decommissioning process.
  • Generate Backup: If you cancel this job, any services used for backup are stopped and Tableau Server will try to delete any files that it created as part of the backup process.
  • Restart Server:
    • Job is canceled when Tableau Server processes are stopping: The job is canceled, but the services will try to get to a stopped state.
    • Job is canceled while Tableau Server processes are restarting: The job is canceled, but the services will try to restart.
  • Start Server: The job will be canceled, but the processes will still try to start.
  • Stop Server: The job will be canceled, but the services will try to stop.

Here are some of the main reasons why you may want to cancel a job:

  1. Since tsm jobs can only be run one at a time, you might need to cancel a current job if you need to run another job instead.
  2. If the running job includes changes to the Tableau Server that you did not intend to make.