Tableau Server on Microsoft Azure deployment options

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Deployments on public clouds continue to be supported but the content for third-party public cloud deployments is no longer updated.

For the latest Tableau Server deployment content, see the Enterprise Deployment Guide(Link opens in a new window) and the Deploy(Link opens in a new window) section of Tableau Server help.

For those customers who have access, we recommend Tableau Cloud. For more details, see:


You can deploy Tableau Server on Microsoft Azure – by self-deploying, using the Azure Quick Start to deploy on a single VM running Linux, or through a preconfigured deployment on an Azure Marketplace VM. The following table shows the differences between each option.

Tableau Server Azure VM Self-Deployment Azure Quick Start Azure Marketplace VM
Production ready Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon. Red X icon.
Upgrade Tableau without replacing the VM Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon.
Install on Linux Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon.
Install on Windows Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon. Checkmark icon indicating success.
Scale-up Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success.
Scale-out (add nodes) Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon.
Active Directory support Checkmark icon indicating success. Red X icon. Checkmark icon indicating success.
BYOL license Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success. Checkmark icon indicating success.

Each of the deployment options are described in more detail below:

  • Self-Deploy to Azure VM - Provides the most flexibility and options to customize Tableau Server to your environment. If you are launching a system that will only run for a short period of time (i.e., for testing or evaluation purposes) use the Tableau Server on Azure Marketplace VM instead.

    Self-deployment of Tableau Server to an Azure VM is recommended for development, test, and production environments that start simple but may need to scale later.

    For more information about self-deployment, see Self-Deploy a Single Tableau Server on Microsoft Azure(Link opens in a new window). For more information about deploying in a distributed environment, see Self-Deploy Tableau Server on Microsoft Azure in a Distributed Environment(Link opens in a new window).

  • Tableau Server on Azure Quick Start – Installs Tableau Server using an Azure Resource Manager template on a standalone Azure VM running CentOS, Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), or Ubuntu Server, with all required infrastructure elements. This deployment strategy allows you to go live quickly and limit your overall costs.

    The Tableau Server on Azure Quick Start is recommended for development, test, and production environments that start simple but may need to scale-up or scale-out later. You can use your own license (BYOL) or contact sales(Link opens in a new window) for a product key. You can upgrade Tableau Server without having to replace your VM. For more information about installing Tableau Server using the Quick Start, see Tableau Server Linux Single Node(Link opens in a new window) at the Microsoft website.

  • Azure Marketplace VM – One of the fastest ways to get Tableau Server up and running on Microsoft Azure, based on a pre-configured Server image, is through the Azure Marketplace. This option installs Tableau Server on an Azure VM running Windows. Tableau Server in Azure Marketplace is only available through a bring your own license (BYOL) model. After Tableau Server is up-and-running on the Azure VM, you can purchase a Tableau Server license and activate the associated product key. The Tableau Server Azure Marketplace VMs are recommended for quick testing and proof-of-concept environments only.

    To install an Azure Marketplace VM

For more information about Tableau Server licensing options, see Licensing Overview(Link opens in a new window).