Tableau Server on the Alibaba Cloud deployment options

This is archived content

Deployments on public clouds continue to be supported but the content for third-party public cloud deployments is no longer updated.

For the latest Tableau Server deployment content, see the Enterprise Deployment Guide(Link opens in a new window) and the Deploy(Link opens in a new window) section of Tableau Server help.

For those customers who have access, we recommend Tableau Cloud. For more details, see:


You can deploy Tableau Server on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. A Tableau Server deployment on Alibaba Cloud supports the following:

Tableau Server Alibaba Cloud ECS Self-Deployment
Production ready Checkmark icon indicating success.
Upgrade Tableau without replacing the instance Checkmark icon indicating success.
Install on Linux Checkmark icon indicating success.
Install on Windows Checkmark icon indicating success.
Scale-up Checkmark icon indicating success.
Scale-out (add nodes) Checkmark icon indicating success.
Active Directory support Checkmark icon indicating success.
BYOL license Checkmark icon indicating success.

The self-deployment option is described in more detail below:

For more information about Tableau Server licensing options, see Licensing Overview(Link opens in a new window).