Deactivate Product Key

There are some scenarios where you must deactivate a product key:

  • Changing a hardware configuration
  • Changing product keys
  • Moving a product key to a new installation

Before you begin

Verify that you are removing the correct product key(s). You can view license details by running tsm licenses list in the CLI.

  1. Open TSM in a browser:

  2. Click Configuration and Licensing .

    Licensing window showing a license that is expiring soon.

  3. Select the product key that you want to deactivate, and then click Deactivate License.

  4. After the key is deactivated, restart Tableau Server.

    Note: If no other product keys remain activated before restarting, Tableau Server will not restart in a useable state. If this occurs, you will not be able to use Tableau Server until you activate a new product key in TSM.